Having Ld flap reconstruction

Ps, i was put under a hot air blanket to stay at 38 degrees, this is so the blood flows better to the scar tissue. If it is offered i would say yes it is very uncomfortable but fantastic, If so do take a nice face cooler spray and a water bottle with a straw.


Hi ayr1987

How are you doing now after your op? I go in on Tuesday midday, op in the afternoon. I feel a mix of emotions. Now need to get the op out of the way.
Take care
Gillian xx

I had my mastectomy and LD flap reconstruction done on the 15th of march so I am just over 3 weeks since the op now. I had a 6 hour op. 4 drains in and a 8 day stay in hospital.
I’ve had a seroma drained twice from my back and fluid is still building up there which is a pain in the butt for getting comfy sitting, sleeping etc
My back, shoulder and side are still really tight and my shoulder gets sore when I do too much or go for a walk. It is mostly discomfort. I wanted to get off the pain killers as soon as I could cos I hate taking meds.
The most annoying thing for me is not being quite as independent and slower at doing things. I usually fly around everywhere! It’s hard to be slower and less capable.
I don’t like the “tennis ball in the armpit” feeling I have but it’s something that I hope will eventually subside at least a little. This is something they don’t tell you about before your op.
I have been back working within the first week home but taking it easier. I work from home at a desk so I just take a rest when I feel my back aches.
I think it’s worth mentioning the feeling in my breast too as it’s something that you need to prepare for also. It is a strange feeling and feels hard but again it’ll be something to get used to. I am a 36b but I think my healthy boob has shrunk a little due to lack of enough exercise. I usually walk my dog 3 times a day but it’s down to around 1 slow walk with family taking my dog.
I’ve not to get radiotherapy which I am happy about but I will be getting chemo in 2 weeks time. I hope things go ok. Trying to arrange a wig appt. don’t feel I’ll be a wiggy person but I’ll see how it goes!
Hope the advice helps!


thanks so much for sharing your experience. I will have my mastectomy in September. I’m doing 8 x chemo first then surgery and rads. I’ve been wanting to hear about the surgery and although it seems you are in a lot of discomfort I am amazed to hear you are up and about walking and working - very brave.
As far as chemo goes I can share that the first chemo was full of fears and hence was the worst. Since then i have just had nausea and a rapid hear beat (streoids do this) but otherwise I have been able to motor through the chemo, taking it easy on the low days and enjoying the good days with more appreciation that I did before I had cancer.

Please continue to share experiences and solutions as oyu find them.
a gentle hug,


Thanks Clare :0)

I’m still waiting to hear when I start chemo and I’m hoping it’ll be ok for me…everyones experience of it is so different so can’t judge it at all. Will just see how it goes.

I hope your op goes well in sept-good luck!