I have just had my appointment with the surgeon and plastc surgeon to find out about what reconstruction to have after my mx. After being given alot of infomation I have decided to go for Ld flap reconstruction. I would like to hear from anyone who has had one. Any advice welcome
Many thanks
Gillian x
Hi Gillian,
I had a skin sparing mastectomy and immediate LD flap recon (no implant) just over a year ago. Significant surgery but well worth it, I am thrilled with it… it has survived rads brilliantly and has settled down really well. Feel free to PM me if you think I may have any useful thoughts to share.
Thank you for your reply, I have been told i will not need to have an implant and hopefully no radio or chemo and to expect to be in hospital for 5-7 days.
Like RevCat I too had a skin sparing mx with immediate LD recon back in June. I was lucky and only had to stay in hospital 3 days post op.Initially I was very happy with the results but unfortunately a few months down the line the recon lost its volume.I had further surgery 6 weeks ago to put in an implant and I can honestly say it was worth going through.
Having the recon wasn’t as debilitating as I’d been led to believe. Maybe that’s due to my stubborn nature! I did accept offers of help to a point but found there were lots of things I could still do myself.
Hi Gillian,
I don’t want to be too negative as overall I am pleased with my recon - I had an immediate LD recon with implant - but six months on am still getting discomfort (not pain) on a daily basis - this may be partly due to the fact I also had all my lymph nodes out on that side as well.
I’ve done my exercises on a daily basis (apart from the worst chemo days) and things are still improving. My main problem is the muscle below my shoulder blade which knots up at the slightest provocation. Its just a bit a bit frustrating as I can do the exercises and it will relax down and then the smallest movement can set it off and I’m back to square one. I still need to hold a pillow against me to go to sleep as if I don’t prop that arm & boob up the muscle kicks in again.
Its also taken me six months to get to the stage where I can change gear without thinking about it in advance - and trying to get by in the wrong gear! Chemo might have delayed this improvement too.
So, my case may be totally different from yours, I just think you should be aware that there might be problems. By the way it is not putting me off having the same recon on the other side.
I had an LD reconstruction (without implant) on 1/12/2011 and can honestly say I am really happy with the result. I too had rads following the surgery which only made the scar a bit red for a while. I was in hospital for 6 days and had two drains in (which were both removed before discharge home) It is quite a big operation, but I think worth it and I was fully healed by two weeks, Take plenty of front opening pyjamas in hospital as I found the doctors and nurses were checking the operation sites very frequently (especially immediately after surgery).
Hi chickengirl
How are you feeling now? I do think the thought of the surgery is worse than the actual thing. How long did it take for you to be doing most things like driving.
Gillian xx
Hi Gillian,
just to add a few bits to what I said, as others have done so helpfully.
The surgery did not cuase any pain, just discomfort… I did not like sleeping on my back but had to for a few weeks. A v-pillow was a BIG help.
My surgery was right side which makes a difference for driving - if left side changing gear and/or handbrakes can be a problem for a while, but if right side it’s more the stickingr you hand out of the window to press buttons on car park barrier thingies. I found when I started driving again (6 weeks after surgery) that reversing was really uncomfortable but I soon got over it.
A year on I am still doing my exercises daily - and have been told this is ‘for life’ as scar tissue tends to try to shrinki all the time evidently. I got my arm movement back really quickly after surgery (even though for a while I wasn’t convinced I ever would!). I still get some discomfort sometimes but mostly if I over-use my affected arm, which is slightly weaker than it used to be.
As well as PJs or open front nighty for surgery, get a sport bra (your usual size) and some of those bra strap extender thingies… lots of us like the Triumph Triactive (not the extreme model!). Baggy clothes with elastic and zips are also quite good for the first little while when dressing can be a bit tricky. When I came home (I live alone) I laid out everything I needed to access on work surfaces so there was no need to stretch up or down for a few weeks until my arm was better.
Hope this doesn’t put you off… for me it was well worth it.
Hi Gillian
I had LD flap recontruction with implant in Jan.2011 a year after mx.And it worth doing but my implant got infected because l had radiation treatment before recontruction,my implant was removed last week tuesday.Am not trying to put you of it because after my open wound heals
am going to have my implant replace.But ask your surgeon questions about radiotherapy b4
recon.or after recon. which one is good for you. l used both my back muscle and fat, it was moved to my left side to form another breast.What l did b4 my recon.l search on internet watch videos then ask my surgeon questions.My ops was 4-5hrs.Every individual person is different.l love the result at the end.Like have said am going to have my implant replace later just waiting for my open wound to heal. Wish you luck xxx.
Thank you for your reply. I will not need to have an implant (im only a 34a), they are going to use my back muscle and fat,They are going to test a couple of nodes during the operation.I have widespreed DCIS and have been told I wont need any chemo or radiotherapy.
I hope you are feeling well after having your implant removed.
Take care
Gillian xxx
I’m going to see my surgeon in May to talk about LD recon,had my mx in May 2010 so it will be 2 yrs,had to have tissue expander taken out due to infection so i’m very flat,has this happened to anyone ? if so how big is the scare on your back , and are you glad you had the op ,HELP feel like its taking over my life can’t think about anything else except recon lol x
Hi Gillian
I’m fine after having the implant. Got the go ahead from my consultant last night to start running again which is much needed due to having piled on a load of weight during recovery! Going in at the end of March to have the nerves divided which will hopefully stop my new boob from twitching.
As far as the LD flap went it really wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. As i said previously I was out of hospital 3 days later. Didn’t have any pain just some discomfort. Within two weeks I’d got the movement fully back in my arm. Wasn’t allowed to drive for 6 weeks. Within a couple of days of being home I was pegging the washing out. I didn’t do any hoovering or ironing for about 4 weeks which was great! I have to admit I did keep stressing that I wasn’t allowed to but really could’ve done it sooner.
My best advice would be to try to go into it with a positive attitude. Because I didn’t feel ill I was determind it wasn’t going to rule my life.
Best of luck and just think in a few months it’ll all be behind you and you’ll be the proud owner of a lovely new perky boob!
HI Gillian
Hope all goes well for your op !! like you i am a 34A and had LD flap recon with no implant . I was in hospital 5 days all went well down in theatre 6 hours 3 drains in and SNB done at the same time no rads or chemo . 3 months later it looks fab and now just waiting for nipple reconstruction . if you do as you are told and do your exercises every day you will have a speedy recovery i didn’t drive for 6 weeks . I also wore a support bra day and night for 6 weeks and as chicken girl said no ironing and hoovering for 4 weeks !!! The scar on my back is hidden when i have a bra on and is very neat and tidy . Take wipes and maybe dry shampoo into hospital as i couldn’t shower or wash my hair because of all the dressings it was not a pretty sight !!!
I will be thinking of you
Rachel xx
Hi kids2 and chickenGirl
Thank you for sharing your experiences, you have helped me to start to feel positive about having the op.
Just need a date now to get it over and done with
Take care
Gillian xx
I have had a mx and Ld recon with implants (I know you dont need implants - thats great) 3 weeks ago, the scar tissue is amazing so very tidy. It feels tight on my back still but every day is easing, the breast scars are healed and look fab (not as large as expected). I have had to have my back drained twice and one breast drained once, to be honest this is what is most uncomfortable when im due a little trip. If there is any Q you would like to ask me let me know. x
Sounds like you are doing well after your op. how long did you stay in hospital for? Where you able to lie on your back after the op?
Take care
Gillian xx
I was due to stay for 7 days, had a little infection which needed to be opened and cleaned so it ended a 11 day stint. Yes I am still laying on my back to sleep as it is still too uncomfortable to sleep on my side.