having TC-h chemo ..help please

hi i have had one session so far im due 2nd one next week … for the last week ive had a hazy headache and both nostrils are binged up with blood every morning . has anyone else had this plz ,x hope everybody is doing ok

Hello Angel77

Whilst waiting for replies maybe you could give our free helpline a ring on 0808 800 6000 and have a confidential chat with one of the breast care nurses who are there to support you, lines are open to Monday to Friday 9.00 – 5.00 and Saturday 10.00 – 2.00.

Best wishes

June, modrator


 I found myself with a severe throbbing headache on the Sunday (chemo was on Wednesday) and shivery then hot but temperature remained normal.  I then started with violent diohorrea and on the Monday  I ended up being admitted to hospital for 5 days, dehydrated, and neutrapeinic, on fluid drips and antibiotic drips. 

However on the second cycle they reduced one of the drugs by 20% to prevent the same happening.  I had a headache for a few days but nothing paracetamol didnt sort out.  This time my nose too has been really sore inside and “crusty”.  Someone told me its because the nasel hair has fallen out and therefore your nose seems to be running constantly.   My biggest problem has been the metallic, nasty taste in my mouth, making all food and drink taste discusting.  I have mouth wash the hospital prescribed but  whilst I can manage on reduced food, finding a drink that I actually can taste has been a big problem.  At the moment, milk seems to be the only drink I can stomach.  Have you had these problems too and if so, how did you manage?


