Having your port taken out

I tried this on another section but no response. Has anyone had their port out under a local. Mine has been put in the BC side and there is now likely to be a problem with the rads angles. The cardio vascular guy said I would be awake for that one, I had a general when it was put in. I am feeling a bit wobbly about being cut open while awake and having the tubes pullled out and wondered if anyone had any advice? One end of the tube is in my neck and I can feel it with my hand, the other is tucked in the top of my heart - yuk!
Lily x

Hi Lily

I had mine out under a local no problem at all. They gave me a lot of happy juice and I gabbled merrily all the way through and didn’t feel a thing!

lots of luck


I still have my port Lily but have had a couple of hickman lines removed from same position under locals - really no prob, no pain.


thanks. I just keep thinking how close it is to my face and hearing him say ‘scalpel’. Must have watched too may horror stories. The happy juice sounds good but hate injections in the body as i leap up in the air. Will ask for baby numbing cream like I have for my port each time it is used.LOL
Thank you for replying so positively. Phewww
Lily x

Good luck chuck

I had mine put in under what I thought at the time was a general but have since found out I was just heavily sedated, ekk. But don’t remember a thing!
At what stage in your treatment are you having yours taken out? I have just had my last chemo (yay) and about to have surgery and they have offered to take it out already, despite, radio and herceptin still to come…
I need mine numbing each time they use it too : )

thanks Lisa, bet you are glad you are not twinning with me on this one!. Marniecat I am starting dose 7 out of 8 tomorrow, so I go tomorrow and again next Tuesday. Congratulations that you have finished yours and hope the side effects go quickly. You lucky thing! I had surgery first so rads and then hormone tablets for me, as ER+ and PR+. The problem is that the cardio guy put the port in the BC side and they think it will be in the way of the rads beam. They make a final decision when I go for planning but I am on half pay now and don’t want to be off work too much longer. I have already been off since the end of March. I started looking into this in advance, otherwise I will be waiting for a surgery slot again. I though herceptin was iv so won’t they use your port for that? Is yours on the BC side too?
Best of luck everyone
Lily x