this sound silly but it been that long since i have had hayfever im not sure if i got that or the start of the flu ( dont want it to be the flu )
had runny/ blocked nose for past few days
now im feeling like my throat has been cut (which is making me think flu)
eyes running
i know if it the flu it will mostly likly put chemo on hold and i just want to get it over and done with so im hoping its hayfever
wot do you think thanks
maz xx
Doesn’t sound silly, I’ve often been faced with the same question. Best way that I’ve found to decide whether it’s a cold/flu infection or hayfever is to go somewhere that’s properly air-conditioned, for example a supermarket. If you’ve got hayfever the symptoms will clear up in a few minutes, if not then it’s cold/flu.
Sarah x
D’you know, I was thinking of posting the same question!
I’ve had a nose like a tap for the last week or more. I never used to have hayfever though OH keeps saying that’s what it is (but I don’t believe him). I don’t think mine’s a cold either though, I’ve only just recovered from one and this is just a runny nose and a bit of a tickly cough occasionally, not even any sneezing and don’t feel unwell. So perhaps not the same as Maz. If it’s any consolation, I didn’t have my FEC postponed despite having a cold and a face full of cold sores as well, so I reckon you’ll be ok, Maz.
Is a runny nose a side-effect of FEC? It’s a bit annoying, particularly if I forget to bring any tissues out with me!
I didn’t start getting hayfever until my mid-thirties so took a while to work out what it was. Every spring I kept going through the “I feel like I’ve got a cold coming on” then “it’s gone away again” routine, until I accidentally did the supermarket air-conditioning test and realised what it was. The other sure test is to take anti-histamines - if they stop the symptoms, it’s hayfever.
Sarah x
Hi maz, not sure if you’ve started chemo yet, but aling with the rest of your body hair, your nasal hair does a disappearing act, hence runny nose. When your eyelashes go, runny eyes!
Also the cells in your throat and nose are fast turnover ones so chemo batters them. I had really sore throat after all my fec and tax cycles, one of the worst side effects for me! And cloggy head feeling too. So if you are on chemo, it might just be side effects. Same for you Choccie.
My mum had hayfever as a child, it went at puberty, stayed away through her adult life until her menpause when she developed it again.
our GP told her it can have a hormonal trigger.
Good luck with your supermarket challenge,
I don’t get hayfever but I’ve had a very runny nose with some bleeding as well after each cycle of FEC and Tax, although despite having lost my eyelashes my eyes haven’t been bad.
My Onc pprescribed me a Beconase nasal spray (the one you get for hayfever) for my last cycle and it’s made a huge difference. Still got a bit of bleeding but it’s nowhere near as runny. It’s definitely worth asking about it.
Jane xxx
Can’t sleep and now woken up with cough and I think cold. Nose has been bleeding all week and even runnier today. Due my Taxol Number 4 today and really don’t want to postpone it. Wonder if they will do it? I suppose they will decide once checked bloods. Interesting Chocciemuffin that you had yours whilst having a cold. They did do mine whilst having cold sores, my goodness they have left some scars this time, just shows how slow at healing our bodies are at the moment. Geared up for chemo so fingers crossed that it will go ahead, just want to get to the end of this … Was hoping to have completed the chemo by end of June, so don’t want any delays.
thanks everyone i havent started chemo yet still waiting reason why i wanted to know if its a cold or flu got hosptial on the 18th for something just dont know wot yet
been waking up most of the night barking so i think i can say i got the flu throat is hurting more good job im going to the gp today for some sleeping pills / happy pills need something to get me through this waiting game cos i have had enough now just want to get things started so i know there will be an end , lets hope ill be fine by the 18th
maz xx
The pollen triggered hayfever I get every spring has been really bad this year and I have had a bad sore throat with laryngitis, but no fever. The Onc said it’s not unusual with chemo because it hits the lining of your nose and throat, as Vickie said. He said it was all right to take antihistamines.
If you run a fever with any of these symptoms you should report it, of course. If it’s making you miserable, ask about antihistamines or Beconase, which damps down the reaction if you use it regularly.
This thing is miserable enough without added misery!
thanks everyone been to see gp yesterday and i have the flu was in bed early cos the bones started to hurt as they do nose running ect sure hope i get over it before the 18th
also been given citalopram to chill me out help me sleep only they take 2 weeks for me to know if they helping or not and with this flu keeping me awake i wont know off back to bed now see if i can catch 2 more hours before the trib wake for school
maz xxxxx