head pains


       I am 20 months post dx and have had niggling headaches and head/skull pain for the last 6 weeks, my Dr does not seem too concerned but has decided to send me for a head scan tomorrow to see whats going on and try to ease my anxiety, I am trying so hard not to think the worst but its so hard has anyone else had similar , its like a constatnt tension headache with tender spots on the skull ? at times I even think i can feel abnormalities on my head  I am on Tamoxifen could this be another S/E, just wish the constant worry/anxiety would subside I was so positive throughout my treatment but niggling things really get to me :frowning: praying all is well tomorrow but wont get resukts into next week im sure


Love to all

Hi Lottie63

I’m sorry to read that you are having a pretty tough time at the moment. I’m sure the users of this site will be along to support you soon.

In the meantime if you would like some additional support whilst you are going through this do give the helpline a call on 0808 800 6000.  Here you can talk through your concerns and how you are feeling with a member of staff who will offer you emotional support as well as practical information. The lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 10.00 to 2.00.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

Hi Lottie63, hope things are OK this morning, I have recently changed from Tamoxifen to Arimidex as was having horrible neck and head pains - I didn’t realise this was a side effect until I phoned the hospital having not taken anything for 10 days - was feeling great without meds! and saw a lovely consultant who was very clear that I was having side effects and wrote up the arimidex - the pharmacist hadn’t any in stock and let slip that this costs about 10x more than the tamoxifen.
Hope this helps and you get on OK today.