Health anxiety

Its been 11 months since my diagnosis of dcis. Treatment (wle surgery)was successful and i was really fortunate to not need radiotherapy.
I just find that im always thinking somethings wrong, theres something secretly growing or i have some other undiagnosed problem. I have blood tests and dont trust the results etc etc. To cap it all, i was looking forward to my first anniversary mammogram in the hope of getting the all clear so i can move forward but have been told i wont have one as i had one in April this year. As i had been recalled for a biopsy 6 months before my diagnosis and everythibg was ok, i know changes happened in those 6 months cos i then got dcis. I dont know how to stop thinking about it and am so fed up with it. Im sorry as i know so many have had or still have it so bad and feel guilty for allowing my anxious mind to dictate to me.


Hi not need to apologise , cancer in whatever form it takes shakes you to the core , once your body has tried to kill you once it’s very hard to trust it again isn’t it !
Over time most of us are less on high alert with every twinge and ache but realistically it never goes away completely you are just more able to not let it terrify you and be a bit more calm about what action you may need to take to check anything worrying you . It’s hard to strike the right balance .
Have you been on a Breast Cancer Now moving forward course , they are on line or in person may help you a bit in dealing with these feelings ( which are totally normal ) , also maybe talk to GP or your BC nurse about how you are feeling x

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I was diagnosed with breast cancer in Jan 2019. What helped me ease the anxiety is the radiologist recommended I get a diagnostic mammogram and MRI rotation every 6 months. I had lumpectomy with radiation and AI. My breast are dense tissue. I feel better with the MRI too. I’m not claustrophobic so the MRI testing isn’t a problem. Some people may not feel comfortable. Whatever it takes to reassure you. I figured if I get the tests, outside of paying better attention to checking for lumps, the rest of it is out of my hands. It sounds like they caught you early, so that’s great. I pray you can find help to ease the anxiety.

Thanks, unfortunately i cant imagine theyd let me have an MRI even though I’d like this and also have dense breasts. Im glad its been reassuring for you. :heart:

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