Heart Palpitations


Had my first chemo 10/12 and so far so good. Injections went well too… Just started getting a few heart palpations today… Anyone get this? I don’t feel anxious.

Thank you Maria 

Hi Maria ,welcome to the forum .Best check this out with your Oncology team just to be on the safe side .I haven’t had chemo but I got palpitations when first diagnosed - maybe anxiety ,maybe hormone related but ECG was normal, it’s a horrible feeling .Please get it checked so you are not worrying about it .You could also ask this question on the December monthly thread to ladies who are at the same stage in their treatment - I will post you a link .Jill x

Hi little M,

Just spotted your post,  I too had my first chemo in December (16th) and started getting heart Palpitations about 10 days later, I’ve had a raft of tests, ECG, BP checked, and chest X ray but all showing as fine.  My Palpitations stopped then started again 24 hrs ago.  Have you had any advice to why it may be happening? I’ve heard other people mention it as a possible se.  I’ve also got a hickman line.