
LILLY am so so sorry for the loss of your sister.Please accept my sincere condolences for you and your family and for that poor little boy.xxxx

Lily - i’m so sorry for your loss. I understand words can’t capture how much pain you feel right now. I’m thinking of you and your family.



Lilly, this must be one of the most heartbreaking posts i have read on this site its so sad that you and your family have lost your sister at such a young age and so shockingly quick and for a little boy to lose his mummy like this is utterly unbearable and so so sad.
love and strength to you and all your family
Mizzy xxx


I am so,so,sorry and sad to hear your dreadful news. There is nothing I can say to make you feel less heartbroken, I can understand the devestation you and your family must be going through and my heart goes out to you all. You sound like a strong and loving family and I’m sure your love and mutual support will get you through this.

Thinking of you,Julie

Dear Lilly,
I am so, so sorry to hear about your sister. I feel so sad to hear that she has been taken from you all, so quickly and so young. I know there are no words I can say that will help you. I just wanted you to know how much this has touched me. It is such an awful and tragic time for you and your family and for your sister’s little boy. Please may I say that with all the love and support you and your family give to him, that he will be ok. I’m saying this because my little girl was exactly the same age when her daddy died suddenly, 3 months before she started school - she is now a beautiful and confident 9 year old. She misses her daddy terribly, as do I, but she knows that he loves her very much and that he will always be with her in her heart. Please pm me if there is anything, anything at all in the future that I may help with.
You must all be so very, very proud of your sister as I am sure she is proud of you and her little boy.

Take care Lilly, with best wishes, Samm xx

Dear Lilly

I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine how you are all feeling now as you have had so little time to prepare. Please accept my sincere condolences. Your family and particularly her little boy are in my thoughts and prayers. Debx

Lilly i am so sorry to hear your news. You and your family are in my thoughts.

All my love

Dear Lily

I am so so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you and your family at this sad time.

Faz x

So sorry to hear this sad news, I am thinking of you and your family,
Love Celia.x

I’m so sorry to hear your loss, Lilly. You and your family will be in my thoughts. x

Dear lilly,

I am so, so sorry for your loss. I am thinking of you and all your family.

Love Holly. xx

Dear Lilly

There are no words to describe how sad the loss of your sister is - this cruel horrid disease. You will find ways to cope and be strong for her little boy and you will keep her memory alive for him. I am so very very sad and my thoughts are with you all at this terrible time.

Love Anne x x

Dear Lilly, So terribly sad and sorry beyond words at your tragic loss. As the others have said, no words from us will comfort you now, but her little boy will always know how much she loved him through her wonderful family. God bless you all. Dianne x x x

Dear Lilly,

I know I am just repeating all that has been said before about you and your family’s tragic loss, I know you must all be feeling devastated and shocked at the moment. I lost a dear friend in very similar circumstances just 2 months ago, she deteriorated so quickly too no one was expecting her to go so soon, she too was hoping to have some chemo but it was not to be, she like your sister left a young child, a daughter of 5 years old. This awful cruel disease continues to take so many young mums, sisters and daughters.

My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this very sad time.

With love

Dear Lilly

I, like everyone here, am so saddened to hear the news about your sister. What a terrible shock for you and your family. We are all thinking of you and sending you love.

Alison xx

Lily, I really feel for you. My mum died within three months of her initial diagnosis of secondary cancer. She had never been diagnosed with any primary so it was a big shock. My family then found it very difficult to deal with my secondary diagnosis within a week of primary diagnosis. It sounds like you are a close family and that there is a lot of love for the little one. Take care of yourself.


Dear Lily, What can I say more than I am so, so, sorry for you and your family.
This desease is so cruel, my heart goes out to you all.

God bless you all xxxx

Dear Lily,
So very sad to hear of the loss of your dear sister,it is devasating for all the family and for her little boy. There are no words to comfort you, but I am thinking of you and sending love and prayers at this sad time,


Dear Lily

Really sorry to hear that your sister has passed away. Thinking of you and your family. xx

Dear Lily, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. No-one should have their life taken away this young, especially when she had a wee boy to live for. Thinking about you and your family at this very sad time. It certainly puts our problems into perspective. Take care love. Val