I had my first FEC on Tuesday. Throw up that night and did not feel sick last night but suffering from heartburn. Did wear the sea band and guessed that helped with the sickness. Not sure if the heartburn will return- may i ask any advice on this?
I too had heartburn after my first FEC. It lasted for about 10 days, I found that a glass of milk eased it.
Luckily enough I did not suffer with it for my second FEC.
Saw your post and thought I would reply. Sorry not good news because heartburn for me was a major problem all the way thru really. It was nearly 5 years ago but I remember it sooo well. Tried to eat raw ginger and can’t really remember it helping that much. I tried to eat well, loads of veg etc so that could have made it worse. I’m sorry but I’m not much help really but I would think that you would get lots of suggestions. What was a killer was the constipation, now that is another story!!!
my onc has given me tablets called omeprazole to stop stomach producing acid. I have had 6 FEC now and suffered right from the beginning with terrible indegestion and reflux. Tablets have been a god send!
Hi I too had heartburn - terrible my onc gave me gaviscon ( which you can get from the chemist or the onc, liquid form worked best ) and they do have other medicines which can relieve it - ask them or your bc nurse to get you something - good luck
I’ve had heartburn from my 1st dose of fec, eased up around day 10 but back with a vengence after 2nd dose, taking Gaviscon but gonna tell onc at next meeting. Just thought back to when I had my son as heartburn was a problem with having him, I drank a lot of coke so gonna cut that out and coffee (what a bummer) and I’m stocking up on extra strong mints as they have peppermint oil in them and they seem to ease it too, hope this helps, stay strong, your in control!
I found that any of the over-the -counter remedies did nothing to help. But have been or opremezole since day 10 or so and it has worked miracles! If i even forget to take it in the morning, I have heartburn and monster burps again by the afternoon
have not had to drink any mucky mint tea or eat ginger since!
I had severe heartburn after my first FEC 4 years ago…told my oncologist and she gave me tablets…possibly the same ones as curtainqueen…took one every morning…think I had to let it dissolve on the tongue…they worked great for me.