'Heat shots' near breast that has undergone mastectomy

Hi all,

I have a question for the forum to see if anyone else has or had this.
I have had my mastectomy in November 2022 and since early 2023 I’m on Tamoxifen.
I haven’t really had any side effects, until a few months ago.
Feeling more tired and also the famous sweating. These are effects I can deal with.
But one other think occured. I feel sometimes some kind of heat shots close to my operation scare, inside my chest.
Did anyone else have such an experience? Should I reach out to my surgeon.
Thanks in advance for your response

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Dear HF76,

Well done for doing so well on Tamoxifen until recently, I think I would get check out if you’re feeling concerned, hopefully nothing to worry about. Maybe a word with your breast cancer nurse or your surgeon what ever you feel more comfortable with.

Please come back and let us know how you are getting on. Wishing you well going forward

With love Tili :rainbow::pray::rainbow::pray:

Thanks a lot Tili,

will get in contact with my surgeon and post an update, once I have got one.


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Hi all,
just to give you an update. Had it checked out with an ultrasound. All ok, seems to be a side effect of Tamoxifen.


Dear HF76,

Good news, health and happiness going forward

Hugs Tili :rainbow::pray::rainbow::pray:

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