
Any one from near by…hereford hereforshire ???

yep i am 20 miles away forest ot dean . where u aving ur chemo at hereford or chelt .


yea im haveing my chemo in hereford…

i have to go to chelt for my rads…

were are you having yor chemo ???

have you startde your’s or just about to ??

sal x

I’m in Gloucester…had my surgery in Gloucester, chemo and rads in Cheltenham…onc., Dr. Benstead.
Don’t know if either of you will be interested but there is a Life After Breast Cancer conference in Gloucester at The Chase Hotel on October 17th…one was held last year and was very interesting…but light hearted at times…so there was humour as well!!

karen x

hi sal

had chemo an rads at chelt , all finished last mth . wen u starting urs ? its not that bad .


Hi there
I had my chemo at Cheltenham and have just finished rads there.
Hopefully will be going to The Haven at Hereford in the next few weeks.
Alison x

Hey there Alison

are you from around that neck of the wood’s ie hereford???/

sal x

Hi Sal
I am from Cheltenham.
Alison x