Hello-1st question-anyone know about MRI waiting times?

Hello everyone. Well I never thought I would be joining this club, but now I am it’s so supportive to find it (and you all) here. I was diagnosed with a fast growing bc yesterday. They need to do a mammogram and MRI to decide on a L’ctomy or M’ctomy. Mammogram is today. Nurse said MRI could be 2 or 3 weeks (something to do with my menstrual cycle). Sounds like a very like a very long time to me. Anyone got any insight? The seeming slow diagnosis scares me more than anything.

Sorry you have had to join us,you will get loads of support here.
I know MRI waiting lists are notoriously long but have never heard of them being related to your menstral cycle (unless there is a chance of pregnancy).
I had to have MRI too but only waited about a week.
When you get MRI appt ,call the dept and say you can come at short notice if they have a cancellation.
Good luck

Hi Rebecca

I was dx Feb 08 aged 34 and also has to have mri to determine lumpectomy or mastectomy (luckily only needed lumpectomy).
I had my mri about a week after my dx but yes it did have to fit around my menstrual cycle, although cant remember why, certainly nothing to do with pregnancy as hubby had the snip! My bcn phoned with the results the next day. Good luck, Lolly

I think I would phone your bcn today and ask if she could tell the MRI people that you will stand by for a last minute cancellation.Three weeks seems a long time to wait.