Hello and Waiting for Results

Hi everyone
Not sure if I am posting in the right place :slight_smile:
My Mum goes off to hospital in the morning to get her results from 3 biopsies she had last week. She has a huge lump which she always assumed was a cyst as she suffers from them. She lives and cares for my Nan who is 102 and senile. I am a single mum and only child so terrified what the future holds.
I have read quite a few threads on the forum tonight which have made me feel a bit calmer (probably won’t be in the morning though).
Will report back tomorrow hopefully.
Thanks for reading.
Alidee :slight_smile:

Hu alidee, good luck for your mum today, thinking about you, love junieliz x

Hi alidee

Welcome to the BCC forums, you have come to the right place for support

Please feel free to call our helpliners too for further support and information on 0808 800 6000, the lines are open 9-5 Mon-Fri and 9-2 Sat, you and your Mum are very welcome to call

Take care

Thanks for your comments :slight_smile: Am now sat Nan sitting while Mum is at hospital getting her results. Will pop on later to let you know how it’s gone.
Thanks for the support.

Good afternoon everyone
Well it’s been confirmed - Mum has BC. She has been given hormone tablets to take daily which will hopefully shrink the tumour and has to go back to hospital in three months.
So even though it’s bad news I’m hoping it’s not too bad.
After the 3 months or maybe 6 months she will have to have a mastectomy and not sure what else after that.
Anyway will crack on and help her all I can for now and hope Nan doesn’t give us too much grief.
Thanks again for all your support.
Alison xx