hello everyone
hello everyone Hello,
This is my very first posting - how exciting! Hope you don’t mind me joining in; I’ve been lurking around reading everyone elses posts for about 10 months now and thought it about time I joined in.
Ok, well, I was diagnosed last June with Invasive DCIS with positive nodes. I had a mastectomy with no reconstruction and have recently finished Epi CMF chemo and 4 weeks radio. I’m on combined Tamoxifen and Zoladex for 2 years and seem to be coping ok on this so far.
I have been treated very well by everyone so far in terms of diagnosis and treatment. Saw Breast Surgeon 3 weeks after seeing GP. Had FNA and mammogram on first visit to Surgeon which diagnosed BC and was in theatre 2 weeks later.
I have a few things to ask of you all out there;
1- What are your experiences of delayed reconstruction with implant? I couldn’t have an immediate recon because I was too slim and I said no to immediate implant becasue of the risk of rejection with radiotherapy. I haven’t seen the Plastic Surgeon yet but my wound is very tight and I’m just wondering how they’ll get an implant in. Pre BC I was a 30E so I know I’ll not get a matching pair! Thinking about asking for a reduction on surviving boob though - any thoughts out there?
2- Two days before I was diagnosed with BC I was put on the IVF waiting list. My feelings of grief for the child (ren) we long for have now returned and I wonder if anyone out there has been in a similar situation to me - previous fertility problems, node +ve BC, HR +ve tumours and hormone treatment.
Welcome Carla Hi Carla, just a note to welcome you to the forums. I am also a new member so hope to be able to offer support throughout the times ahead. Unfortunately i cannot answer your queries directly but there is another forum regarding Reconstrucitve surgery where you might get some advice from others. Also, its a shame you missed the ‘expert onine session’ earlier today which was on fertility. Apparently they couldn’t anwer everyone’s queries but you could use the ‘ask the nurse’ service.
Also, if you have been trawling through the forums for the last 10 months i am sure you will have come across lots of people’s experiences. Anyway, sorry i couldn’t help directly but glad you finally took the plunge to join and hope you get some answers.
I was diagnosed in March with high grade DCIS and had a WLE 2 weeks ago. Was due to go back for the results tomorrow (11th) and was all geared up and ready but unfortunatley i got a phone call at 6pm tonight from the hospital saying the results weren’t ready and so now have to wait another week - gutted!! The waiting always seems to be the worst. Anyway, take care.
Michelle x
Hi Carla Just wanted to post to let you know about delayed reconstruction. I had a mastectomy August '05 and in January this year had a tissue expander put in. This has over the weeks been ‘pumped up’ with saline and now I am just waiting for it to be swapped with an implant. I feel so much better now I have a little bump and can get rid of my prothesis. If you want to ask me any other questions please feel free.
Take care,
Katey x
hello Hi Michelle,
Thanks so much for your reply!
I understand completely how difficult it is to wait for results. I hope you get good news next week.
recon Hi Katey,
Thanks for your reply. When I first had my mastectomy last June I felt that it had been traumatic enough and so I wouldn’t bother with a reconstruction. Now however, I’m desperate to have a new boob! I believe I have to wait 6 months post radio and I think a tissue expander is what I’ll be gettting. I’m also thinking of having my surviving boob reduced.
Did you have radio and did it cause any probs in terms of having the implant?
So is it about 3 months then to stretch the skin enough for the implant?
Thanks so much,