Hello Friends

Hello there everyone,

So sorry iv been missing for a while but im back at work now… everyone said iv gone back too soon esp that i got an infection too, but needed some normality back plus if im not there i dont get paid and since iv not been in since july im getting a bit skint !!

So how have all my friends been doing… behaving yourselves i hope and not been too naughty!!!

Well its my brothers wedding on sat and since i work in a beauty and hairdressing college i thought i would pamper myself before hand. Wanted my legs waxed and had a little look around the students and didnt feel any of them were up to that level so i booked into get it done with one of the tutors (she is also my friend and work buddy) well i nearly went through the roof with the pain lol. Well to cut a long story short i ended up with almost everything waxed… OMG i now i look like iv got german measels all the way down from my waste lol. Plus it she took the skin off my eyebrow and now look like a panda… im going to look lovely in these wedding pics !!! lol.

Im back to her tomoz for a spray tan so will keep u posted how it went… hopefully it will cover all my rash. Problem i have is iv still got dressings on due to the infection so will be all brown apart from my big white dressings… oh i am a sight for sore eyes lol.

Well take care ladies and im always thinking about you all.
love yas all
claire xxxxxxx

HI Claire!

good that you are back at work and getting back into the swing of things. How’s the infection? Are you healing ok now? Hope you are not over doing things? So great you have a wedding to go to… brave you getting all that waxing done! I have never been brave enough myself!

I have been busy too and it seems like forever ago that I went through the whole lump business when actually it was just last week I got my results. I guess after having something on your mind for so long it seems strange (but NICE) not to have anything to worry about! I will definitely make sure I check myself more often rather than every few years like before.

Well, lots of love to you! Take care,



What are you like; inflicting all that pain on yourself! As if you haven’t had enough already!!! Hope the wedding went really well and your (inevitable?) hangover isn’t too bad!!

Lots of love,
beano xxx