My name is Tesia. I have Stage 4 Triple Negative Breast Cancer. I just turned 30 years old.
I found the tumor a few weeks after my 29th birthday. I had surgery and decided to try natural therapies until it reuccred and boy, It sure came back fast. But it’s ALL GRAVY cuz i’m going to beat this no matter what.
I’ve started chemotherapy and I have been using writing as a major emotional dumping station. And it’s been working!!
Hiyah, what form has your writing been taking? I mean, is it like keeping a diary, or are you turning your experiences into fiction? (cos I do a bit of that myself)
Hi, I started keeping a journal but when I read it back it sounds like a novel written in the first person. I was diagnosed 6th may, I have triple negative that has travelled to my lymph nodes, having chemo then surgery then radiotherapy! I’m 34 so it would be good to hear about your treatment etc!
I was diagnosed 10th April, stage 2 Grade 3 IDC, had lumpectomy 14th May. Im TN, 2/23 nodes involved. Need another op this Thurs as larger margin needed due to DCIS found as satellite near edge, then will have chemo/radio.
How are you coping with it all? Does writing it all down help?
Hi Tesia
I have just joined today…You write and dump al you like…I have just off loaded too…
Wow!! I feel alot better now…
To face the day with a happy smiling face…
Its a great act I put on not to scare visitors away!! lol
Catch you again