Hello - I'm new

Hello everyone,  I’m new to this having been diagnosed at the beginning of January.  Everything has been a bit of a whirlwind since then.  Biopsy, followed by double mastectomy and now facing chemotherapy and radiotherapy.  I have coped with the surgery - everyone tells me very well, but am now concerned about the Chemo as I think this may be a real challenge for someone who lives life at 100 miles an hour.  I am really concerned about losing my hair, because I am quite a girly girl - even in my 50’s, and cannot imagine how i am going to cope with this.  Any advice would be much appreciated.  Thank you.

Hello I am new too, Breast cancer diagnosed and treated 2 years ago, waiting for my check up for this year, allways scary, enjoying a lymph flare up at present. ,

Hi, i am new too. Diagnosed early january and having neo adjuvant chemo had the 2nd cycle now. All going well with not too much side effects mainly tiredness but no sickness. Hair loss was not too bad as i have a fab wig which looks so real. Also because i knew the hair was going i coped better and chose to ditch it two weeks after the first chemo whilst my family were away skiing. I have to face a mastectomy early june then radiotheraphy. Good luck to you.