Hello. Newby here. bloody or Chunky Fluid in cyst?

Hi all I’m new here. I’m 36.

For the last 12 months I have been back and forth to the breast clinic due to cysts. Seems I have a quite a few.
In november I had a 2cm cyst aspirated the fluid looked like yellow yoghurt. They weren’t concerned. When i got home i could still feel a lump that gradually got bigger, I went back in December and they aspirated blood. This was sent for testing just in case but they think it was bleeding from the previous aspiration.
Last week I got the results back no cancerous cells were found but she said it didn’t look entirely normal either. I asked in what way? she said it was chunkier than they would expect from a cyst.
On all my ultrasounds all my cysts have looked like simple cysts.
She wanted a biopsy if the lump could be found still, i cannot feel it, (though i feel tons of other lumps lol) I was sent for another ultrasound but none of the cysts they could see looked like the same one and as i couldn’t feel it they didn’t want to biopsy an innocent area. I have to go back in 6 weeks.

I cannot find any information on chunky findings inside cysts anywhere, even though I’m well aware how worrying Dr Google can be. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

Hi andy36,

Welcome to the BCC discussion forums you’ve come to the right place as the users of this site have a wealth of knowledge and experience between them which I am sure they will be along shortly to support you.

In the meantime, could I suggest you give our helpline team here a ring, calls are free, 0808 800 6000, lines are open now until 5pm today (Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 10-2)

Take care,

Jo, Facilitator