
hi everyone
hope everyones doing ok
today is pre op tests and bcn coming pm to discuss op next week

didnt sleep much last night,funny how the mind must work
didnt think i was worried about today but i must be
heart was hammering through my chest,i presume its panic??

i think the nurse may have my mri results too, which is nerve racking too

good luck to anyone else being prodded and poked today

Hello lincslady

Results days are very scary. Like you, I thought I was handling it, but then found I was waking in the night and couldn’t stop thinking about the horror of it all. It’s hard to believe it is happening. I think it is the waiting that is so difficult - not knowing what they are going to tell you next.

All the ladies on this site keep saying that once a plan is in place you will feel better, but I am not at that stage yet and I can’t imagine that it is going to make me feel any better about it.

The pre-surgery checks are fine - mainly answering questions about illnesses you may have had. I had an ECG and the nurse listened to my heart, chest, etc. She was lovely, so kind. I also had to go for a blood test - well, a couple actually.

I have a further two biopsies on Friday.

Keeping my fingers crossed for your MRI results.

Ann xx

absolutely promise you that once you have your results and your plans are in place you’ll feel much better- knowledge is power - thinking of you both xxchipperxx

just want to reiterate what chipper has said. once you know whats happening, things start to feel better. knowledge is, indeed, power.
hope things go well with you both
take care
monica xx

HI lincslady

Just to say Good Luck with your results today and hope all the pre-ops are ok.Let us know how you get on.
As everyone else says, you will feel better when you know what’s what.
Hope littl’un still enjoying school ?
Take care
Anna x

hello all
had all the checks and all ok , though as usual she was suprised at my very low bp

mri results showed another “area” which they say they arnt worried about and dont expect it to even be tested, nurse couldt really even tell me what it was
it has been faxed to consultant

so what could it be she said it isnt a lump
im now worried they are going to leave something they shouldnt

anyway for now it is wle on the 18th, and he will take 4-5 nodes for testing
havnt found my self a lift yet but im working on it

did you all get dropped at hospital or have someone go up to ward with you?
she said i was a + so feeds on oestrogen, she said that was “good” as i can have tamoxifen etc
she said i might be advised?offered chemo because of my age? which freaked me out as consultant had said i probably wouldnt need it

i just dont want to be too ill to do things with my little boy, or too ill and hot lol to sit in school assemblys etc. i just dont want to by the r,s sick mummy

Hello lincs lady

So glad the checks went ok. I am sure they are experienced enough to know if an ‘area’ needs worrying about. They obviously think mine do, as they offered an immediate mastectomy from the MRI findings but also the option of biopsies, which I chose (having tomorrow). Makes you wonder why they would tell you about it though, because of course you will worry.

Did you not get time with the consultant to discuss the MRI results? I did, although my consultant is on holiday and so I saw someone else. If you are unhappy, try and make an appointment to see him/her. Then you can ask about the chemo, too. I would rather hear it from the horse’s mouth - no disrespect intended.

Ann xx

hi ann
no i havnt seen consultant since diagnosis, he too has been on holiday
i presume i will see him on the day of the op
but my next appointment with him is 5th oct to be signed over to oncologist

Just wrote a post on here and it disappeared !!!

lincslady I just wanted to say I hope you feel better now that you hvae some of your results. ER positive is good so everybody says. One doc I saw said those type of tumours “behave better”!
Don’t worry about the other “area” on the MRI. I’m sure they would be doing something about it straight away if they were concerned.

As far as I know, they don’t decide for sure about chemo till they look at the nodes they will sample in your operation.

Have you got some help/support like family/friends/neighbours around to help after your op and if you do end up having chemo ?

Glad you are getting through this step by step, you are doing really well.
Take care
Anna x

lincs lady

I definitely think you should be able to see him before the day of the op. You must have so many questions. If it was me, I would ring the BCN and see if you can get to see him before then.

Ann xx