
Hi Kitt
Thanks for info about margins. I’ll let you know how I get on when I get results. Yes, I reckon I should start rads around March time. Feeling a bit more sore today but managing to do exercises, drive which is good!
Have a great weekend & hope next week of rads goes well.
Ginny x

Hi Kitt
Soreness under axilla subsiding thankfully! Feeling nervous about Tuesday’s results. Was told it was grade 1 IDBC after core biopsy but worried now it may be a higher grade (all normal feelings I guess). Hope your Rads are going ok. I guess you must be neat finished now & I daresay that in itself brings mixed emotions. Thank you so much for your support xxx

Whoops sorry for typo… Meant to say nearly finished! x

Hi Kitt
So good to hear you only have 4 more rads to go. I will definitely join the radiotherapy thread once I start treatment. Just praying my initial grade 1 IDBC hasn’t changed when I go back on Tuesday. Will let you know how I get on & I di have my Cyprus holiday in May to look forward to. But then I may have to look into my travel insurance as having a BC diagnosis can be costly I gather. Hope it’s not too cold your end xxx

Very good news Kitt. Grade 1 IDBC 18mm with clear margins & negative node. Feeling blessed!!!
Will start rads in around 8 weeks (so will Feinstein join the rads forum) & appointment with oncologist in around 4 weeks to discuss medication as oestrogen positive.
Will definitely sleep better tonight now that the waiting is over & will remain positive for rads.
Thank you for your positive thoughts!!! How are you doing? Ginny xxx

Lol typos again meant to say definitely x

Hi Ginny,
That’s fantastic news! Exactly the same as mine, even down to the size.
I had my final radiotherapy session today. Whilst I’m glad it’s over, it really wasn’t too bad at all. From talking to others it seems the worst part of radiotherapy is the stress of finding a car parking space every day! If you’re an early bird like me and don’t mind getting up sharp, I found it hugely helpful to get one of the first appointments every morning so I was ahead of the worst of the rush hour traffic and easy parking. The day was then my own rather than clock-watching. Worth an ask if you think that would work for you.
Hope next stages continue to go smoothly. Keep in touch.

Hi Kitt
Wow, we have the same bc right down to the size! Well done you having had your last rads today. You must be feeling releaved at no more travelling & parking issues!! I only have to travel about 45 mins to our local hospital in Plymouth so not half as bad as you. I will keep in touch definitely & let you know how I get on. I been sleeping without a bra the last few nights… Such bliss!!!
Take care & keep in touch
Ginny xxx

Hi Kitt
Forgot to ask. Did you carry on working through your radiotherapy? Did you experience any tiredness? Also are you going on any medication? I was oestrogen positive so will daresay be offered tablets.
Slept for 10 hours last night would you believe xx

Hi every one im realy glad i found this site  as the info and support is comforting chhers 

Hi Ginny, I just did some short days and worked from home a bit - lucky not to have pressure to do more. I was certainly tired - some afternoons I’d put my head down for 5 minutes then a cat would sit on me and id wake up 2 hours later! Not sure how much was the treatment and how much just that I tend not to sleep well.
I started tamoxifen just before Christmas and so far no side effects (touches every bit of wood in sight!). When do you see your oncologist?
No doubt your big sleep was relief - you must have been holding your breath for the last 2 weeks! I was fortunate to get my results 1 week post op but some ladies on here seem to wait 4!!!
Hope you are continuing to heal well .

Hi Kitt
Thanks for your reply! Like you I aim to try & manage some work during rads & will try & arrange pm rads sessions. I am waiting for my oncology appointment & will discuss medication then. The hospital gave me a leaflet on Arimidex at my last visit. I know Tamixifen has been around a good few years & have friends who are on it with no problems.
Will let you know when I have been for appointment. You were lucky to get your results after a week! To wait 2 weeks was bad enough & any longer would have been a personal nightmare!! I hope you are enjoying your rads free days & getting back to some normality. This is such a great site & I am really grateful for your advice. Thank You xxxx

Hi Kitt
Think I’m developing some cording in the Breast I had op. Noticed it when I raised my arm & can see a crease down right boob & feel a hard cord like feeling. Have heard of it down arm from axilla but not in boob. Will give bc nurse a ring on Monday to check out. There is a cording forum which I’ll also look at. Still waiting for oncology and date for rads but feeling great. Hope you are keeping well.
ginny1 x

I’ve read up on this now and it looks like Mondor’s cording which should settle after 6 weeks. Will give bc a ring tho x

Hi Ginny, sorry to hear you’re having complications - not something I experienced at all so no advice to offer I’m afraid! Good idea to speak to bcn and hopefully you’re right and it will be short term.
I’m doing fine, thanks. - quite a bit of very superficial peeling skin now I’m 10 days post final rad which is leaving nice fresh skin underneath . When is your oncology appt ??

Hi Kitt
Thanks for your reply & I have not yet received oncology appointment. Hope to hear soon. Glad you are recovering well & will let you know hiw I get on xx

Hi Ginny,
Did you manage to get hold of your BCN? Did they agree with your self-diagnosis? Hopefully so since it sounds like something which will resolve well.
Are your wounds healing well otherwise so you’ll be all set for your rads once you get your dates?

Hi Kitt
The problem I had seems to be going after doing recommended massage so didn’t ring bc nurse in the end. I had my oncology appointment through today for Monday 9th so hopefully I’ll get rads date. Both wounds have healed really well & I have no discomfort at all thankfully. Someone was telling me to not bother wearing a bra for rads which sounds sensible. Hope you are well & thank you for keeping in touch. Ginny xx

Going braless was also the advice I was given , Ginny, but it didn’t work for me. I was more comfortable in soft bras than without, particularly around the end of week 2 when my breast was quite swollen . You’ll work out soon enough what feels right for you .
Had my first bath last night which was utter bliss so make the most of them before your rads start … tepid showers just don’t compare !!!

Thanks Kitt for the tips & I will let you know how I get on. I can only wear soft bras now & no more underwire bras for me!!! Have you started your tablets yet? Glad to hear you are back to enjoying your baths! Have a good weekend & speak soon. Ginny xx