
Thanks Kitt. Good idea to make notes on how you are feeling after starting Tamoxifen. I have decided not to read too much into side effects as everyone reacts differently. i sailed through the menopause in my late 40’s & now at 61 I’m wondering if I will go through another type of menopause but hey ho I feel so lucky to have reached this point with positive results. I’m back at work & enjoying being back amongst work colleagues.
Have a lovely weekend & speak soon.
Ginny xx

Hi Kitt
Had my oncology appointment this week & just waiting for appointment for scan & mark up. Then date for rads. Because of my age (61) & low cancer grade although tumour was oestrogen positive he told me I would not need to take medication. I was quite surprised but also relieved. Hope you are keeping well Kitt. Have a good weekend.
Ginny1 x

Hi Ginny, well that’s good news! One less thing to worry about, eh?! Were they able to give you any idea of date for scan and when you’re likely to start treatment? The waiting is just so frustrating, isn’t it?!
I’ve been quite surprised how tired I still get now that I’m back at work full time even though I was told to expect it … didn’t think it would apply to me ?!
Good to hear from you and I hope everything continues smoothly for you .

Hi Kitt
Lovely to hear from you & I hope the tiredness from rads will soon resolve. I have my scan & mark up appointment tomorrow at 3.30 so hope to get date for rads when I go. The journey to hospital us about 1 hour & I’ve requested afternoon appointments so that I can go into work in the morning. I’m hoping to have a couple of alternative therapy sessions which are on offer. Hope you are having a good weekend xxx

Hi Ginny,
How did the scan go? Good chance to learn about the position, etc. for treatment, isn’t it?

Hi Kitt
Scan went well & got my tattoos but I am having trouble finding them & wish I’d asked her to point them out to me. I think I had one on boob and one under each axilla, well that’s where I felt the needle! She told me I would probably feel tired towards the end of treatment. I have asked for pm sessions do that I can go into work in the morning but I will take each day as it comes taking into account 2 hour round trip drive etc.
How are you feeling now? Can you see your tatoos? Hope to get my rads appointment in two weeks x

Hi Ginny , yes I went from worrying that the tattoos would be big and ugly to worrying that they were so tiny they wouldn’t be found again! The girls have a good eye and they’ll highlight each with felt tip at each session to make them more obvious. I have one midline in my cleavage and either side in mid axillary line - look like wee blackheads on close examination but I’m sure no one else would spot them.
If your work are being understanding don’t push yourself too hard - even the travel will be tiring and there is always the possibility of delays so don’t set yourself up for a long day if you don’t have to.
You’ll just be keen to get on with your sessions now, no doubt!

Hi Kitt
Yes! I think I’ve now found one of my tattoos near cleavage like yours! Sine having Breast cancer I’ve been amazed at how many people tell me how well I look!!! Maybe it’s because I am being kind to myself.
Will let you know how I get on with rads & thank you for your support through my journey xx

Hi Kitt
Finally gave my start date for Rads 8th April. Seems like I’ve been waiting for ages! How are you feeling? Did you feel more tired after rads?
I’m probably going to take time off for treatment as the travelling will be too much & I can’t really work from home. Will let you know how I get on. Ginny xx

Hi Ginny,
Yes it does seem to have been a long time for you ! I was really surprised quite how tired I was, mostly in the few weeks after treatment was finished . 7 weeks past and feeling pretty much back to normal but definitely don’t underestimate it. Still not entirely sure how much was the rads, how much was returning to full time work after 3 months of taking things at my own pace and how much was coming down off the strange high of the active treatment phase.
Hope it all goes as smoothly for you as it did for me.

Hi Kitt
Lovely to hear from you & to hear you are feeling almost back to normal. It must have been difficult returning to work full time after treatment. I’m fortunate to be working with a very caring NHS team who have encouraged me to take time off for rads. I’m now off for 5 weeks, then my holiday in Cyprus for a week. Then back to work. I went to a Macmillan Breast care group at hospital yesterday which was very useful & met other ladies with bc. Feeling fortunate my bc was low grade! Have a lovely Easter. Ginny x

Hope you have something nice lined up for the Easter weekend, Ginny, then you can get into it with the rads. I found it a positive experience emotionally - very supportive staff, enough side effects to feel like it was doing something but not enough to feel bad about it!
Enjoy totally guilt free chocolate tomorrow … you’ve earned it!

Hi Kitt
Thank you for your text as always. Well, I am enjoying my easter weekend in full glory having spent the afternoon at Old Trafford watching Man U v AV with my hubby who is an AV fan!!! I am going to chill out during rads and do as little as possible although I know I will find that challenging!!! Wishing you a Happy Easter and thank you for keeping in touch. Ginny x

Good luck tomorrow, Ginny … it’ll be a busy few weeks but you’re on the final straight at last !

Thanks Kitt. Hope you are keeping well x

First rads over with & no problem. Told first couple take longer than the rest. Also advised to keep covered up after treatment as skin may be sore which is bad news as I’m off to cyprus two weeks after treatment finishes. Speak soon Ginny x

Yes but it’s only the treated area so you should still be able to enjoy the sun . I believe that’s for about a year !
Glad it went ok . Hugs,

Third day of rads over with & feeling ok apart from feeling a bit sleepy today. Slapping on the cream they gave me (aqueous & also using my own alo Vera gel) but no soreness as yet.
Looking forward to weekend break. Hope your energy has come back Kitt xx

Yes, thanks - we’ve been down in Cornwall for a few days - so much walking I think I must have worn at least a couple of inches off my legs !
Glad it’s going ok for you .

Hi Kitt
Glad to hear you are well & enjoyed your trip to Cornwall. Let me know if you ever come to our part of the world South Hams Devon & it would be great to meet up. We live in the village of Thurlestone which is about 45 mins from Plymouth. Have a lovely weekend xx