
Hi Kitt
Day 6 of rads today & boon feeling hot & starting to look sunburnt! They gave me aqueous cream but I’m also using aloe Vera which I keep in the fridge! Otherwise feeling ok. Hope you are well. Ginny x

Hi Ginny,
I liked to shower with the aqueous cream as well as slapping it on at every available opportunity! Hope the boobage holds up and you’re enjoying the lovely weather you seem to be having down there.

Hi Kit
Good idea about showering & using aqueous cream! Only 7 days left …will seem strange not facing my daily trips to hospital but I am planning to celebrate my last rads with a nice meal & glass or two of wine!
Yes, we gave had some lovely sunny weather in Devon but a bit chilly today!
Have a lovely weekend & hope your energy levels are back to normal. Love Ginny x

Hi Ginny,
I found it a strange time emotionally when I finished my rads - a bit of an anticlimactic “and now what?” feeling after the 4 weeks of rushing about every day if that makes any sense.
Lucky me, the weekend after I finished we had a really lovely dinner party thrown for us by friends who insisted they weren’t even asking if I was allowed champagne… I was having it anyway ??
You must be starting to look forward to your holiday - what part of Cyprus are you going to ?

Hi Kitt
Sounds like you celebrated the end of your treatment in style…love champagne!!!
Yes, I am trying to focus on moving on after rads finish & looking forward to retiring next year! We are off to Paphos in Cyprus. Have been before & meeting up with my cousins who live there.
Boob settling down with the help of my Aloe Vera & will remember to shower with the aqueous tomorrow. Will be glad to be able to start using my deodorant again!!! x

A lovely hot scented bubble bath was what I dreamed of? - a few more weeks til you’re allowed one of those but you’ll appreciate it all the more .
We’ve been to Paphos a couple of times - definitely my favourite part of the island … lucky you !

Can anyone help, I’ve just had a mastectomy. This was totally out of the blue, I had no symptoms at all, this was after my first mammogram. I think I’m going to be having radiotherapy, I just wanted to know what to expect. Also I have booked a gullet in turkey for august, but not flights yet, is there anybody who can advise me regarding travel insurance. I do have a yearly insurance, but beings I’ve only booked part holiday, I don’t know how I will stand.



Hi Towersey, I think you might get better advice if you start a new thread under Surgery in Going Through Treatment. I had WLE at the end of November and finished my radiotherapy mid February. Will there be a crew to sail the boat or do you muck in? Remember you won’t be able to get the sun on any irradiated skin - not too difficult with reasonably modest tops but might have to watch your armpit area if swimming and sunbathing. No idea about insurance, I’m afraid. Ginny, how did you get on with yours for Cyprus?
Hope you’re recovering well and being kind to yourself.

Hi Kitt
Insurance wasn’t a problem when I advised them I’d had surgery for bc. However my travel insurance doesn’t cover me for my bc which I was ok about as only going away for a week. I think it would have cost me an extra £100 if I wanted it included x

Hi Ginny, another week down! Must be only a couple of sessions left now, is it? How’s it going? Hope the skin is holding up ok and you have the energy to look forward to your lovely holiday !

Hi Towersy,
Sounds like you have more to go through than I did … I didn’t need a mastectomy, just a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy. Due to the grade and stage I didn’t need chemo so went straight on to radiotherapy which I finished in February. All you can do is take one step at a time but it seems only fair to you to be able to plan your next few months so I’d call them back if I was you .
Hope you get some clearer answers soon .

Hi Kitt
Finish Rads on Tuesday! Apart from a red boob I’m feeling fine, thank you. They did say fatigue can hit you after treatment so I will wait & see but looking forward to my trip to Cyprus on 16/5. Hiw are you getting on?
Will seem really odd not doing daily trips but looking forward to resuming a normal life xxx

Hi Ginny, that’s great . There is a strange hiatus when the rads finish, isn’t there . I’m very envious of you heading off to Cyprus, especially now that it has turned cold again up here in Scotland! Have a lovely time and keep moisturising !!

Hi heathercora

Maybe you found the travel insurance thread already… if not use the search box when on the main forum page, or i think it is tucked in the life after cancer thread.

Enjoy your trip x

LL xx

Well, what can I say. Just completed my rads & feeling blessed to have gone through treatment , meeting some amazing people on my journey. Thank you Kitt for your ongoing support…it means a lot. Also, I have found this site invaluable. It’s onwards & upwards from now. One again, thank you! X

Hooray, well done you ! Time to start looking forward to that holiday of yours !
Huge hugs,