Hello, I am a new member and this is the first time I have joined a forum and like most of us facing breast cancer am having good days and bad.
I had surgery 2 weeks ago, the first time in my life I have been in hospital andso am not sure about how realistic my expectations of recovery are. I go today to get the results of the pathology so am keeping everything crossed for good news. Best wishes to everyone in the pink ribbon boat. Elaine56
Hello Elaine56
Welcome to the forums. I’m sorry to hear of your diagnosis, the first few weeks are always difficult when coming to terms with your diagnosis and treatment.
As well as the support you will receive on the forums you might find it helpful to order the BCC resources pack. It has been specifically designed for those newly diagnosed and contains information to help you understand your diagnosis, test results and the various treatments available. If you would like to order a copy just follow the link bellow:-
You may also like to talk things through with one of the helpline staff, they are there to offer emotional support as well as provide information. The free phone number is 0808 800 6000 and lines are open 9-5 Monday to Friday and 10-2 Saturday.
Best wishes
June, moderator
Hello Everyone
i am new on here also not used to using computers lol
Recently diagnosed with lobular cancer still awaitting the results of mri scan
I am really scared actually beyond scared. I went to the doctors in November
No lump just had a feeling that i wanted to be checked. The doc refered me
the two week appointment to be seen at the breast clinic
never heard anything so i telephoned in February they explained that they had never received
my referal so booked me in the week after.Had mamogramm then biospsy
received results one week later grade 2 lobular cancer have had a mri yesterday
results next week.They will then detirmine the treatment all this waitting is driving me insane
It was areal shock the mri is to check that it is no where else.The thought of a mastetomy well
i acnt put into words all your stories on here are inspirational and my thoughts are with all you very brave
Hi ladies, I was officially diagnosed on 12th match with Tubular cancer after getting another lump investigated which has turned out to be harmless fat but whilst being ultra sounded they stumbled across a small area which they biopsied and unfortunately turned out to be cancer, I am having it removed this Friday and have like many of you been to hell and back these last few weeks and would never have coped without the support of my family and friends and discussing things with you all on here, it’s a very lonely and surreal place to be but we are all in it together and I’m trying to be thankful mine was found early and by sheer chance but it doesn’t help the fact that I don’t want it to be happening to me at all as I know we all feel,plsass feel free fl message me and chat at any time and I would Truly appreciate the support , love and best wishes to you all xx