
Hi Nissa,welcome to the site .Im sure some of the triple negative ladies will be along to say hello soon .If you haven’t done already join one of the monthly chemotherapy monthly threads and you will get lots of advice a support from ladies going through chemo at the same time .Good luck with your treatment .Jill.

Sorry should have called you Missa not Nissa.

Miss a I’m alot older than you at 46 with two grown up kids there is a thread for younger ladies with BC you might want to go on it its called someone like me I think x also yes TN diagnosis is scary at first but the further on I have gone with my treatment (for me op first WLE) then starting chemo mon I have become less hung up on the TN stuff, I was reassured that chemo is bog standard treatment for chemo given to help prevent it coming back xx they may suggest freezing your eggs as you have no children yet incase they give you treatment, each person had different treatment too xx hope that helps x

Hi all, just to say had my first chemo on Tues doing well, but have joined the FB group for Jul starters and chatting over there. I’m new to FB! Hope you are doing well. 

L x

Hey Louise hope you are well not on Facebook but on July 17 thread x so may catch up with you on there

Thanks Mishy, I was lucky enough to get a cycle of egg recovery just before I started chemo. I’ve donated eggs three times previously so my body knew what it was doing this time round!
The staff don’t seem to bat an eyelid at the TN diagnosis and like you say chemo is the bog standard treatment. It sucks but it’s just something we’ve got to do!

Yeah pleased you put some of your eggs aside, so you can have a family when you are better x my treatment was surgery first then chemo (starting tomorrow) then radiotherapy, so I can at least reassure you on the surgery side of things, it’s no where near as bad as I originally thought had lumpectomy and some nodes out x I recovered very quickly and I’m older than you! So just focus on the positives, all this what you need to do is to give you a long and happy life xxx