I’m newly diagnosed Grade 3 stage 2 cancer and also this week as TNBC.
I’m going to have a lumpectomy and nodes checked next week.
I’ve been very up & down having found out it’s BC and then TNBC with chemo likely.
I know this is just the start of a long journey and hoping to connect with others going through this and advice/ support from others.
I’m 54, and being completely honest, overweight and not fit, with a very demanding stressful job. I want to lose weight and get fitter but realise that might be a tall order during treatment.
Any suggestions what I should ask oncologist when I meet them, please?
Hello and welcome, I am not triple negative, but I just wanted to acknowledge your post, I am certain one of the lovely ladies on here who has been diagnosed the same as you will be along shortly.
It is very normal to experience a wide variety of emotions at this time as you are having to take in so much, once your treatment plan has been finalised it does get better because you know what is going to happen and when.
I think getting fitter is something we all look at when diagnosed, if nothing else, evaluating our life styles is something positive that comes out of a bc diagnosis, but do take things a step at a time.
Do look at the ‘newly diagnosed’ & ‘going through treatment’ threads’ as well, as there are others there at the stage you’re at, either at diagnosis or in treatment. Although our diagnoses can be slightly different, many aspects of treatment & emotions related to it are common to all of us.
I’m sure others with a TN diagnosis will be along to advise shortly, but it is helpful to have someone with you at appointments & write things down beforehand & at the appointment. Alternatively, you could ask if the oncologist is happy for you to record the consultation, professionals are usually happy to do this, but obviously their consent is needed first.
Hi Louise,
I don’t know if I can be much help as I think we are pretty much at the same stage!
I’m 42 and was diagnosed TNBC Grade 3 Stage 2 a couple of weeks ago. I opted for a mastectomy instead of lumpectomy which has now been done but unfortunately there was some node involvement found on post op biopsy.
I have one last meeting with my surgeon next week and I plan to ask her to consider a mastectomy on the other side post Chemo, and I want to ask her how many nodes were taken and examined as I’m concerned cells may still remain but they said further surgery or radiation would not be beneficial but that chemo would be. I’m due to see my oncologist for the first time on the 28th and start Chemo shortly afterwards. To answer your question…I plan to ask the oncologist about the chemo cycles and duration, likelihood of reoccurrence and about diet and exercise. There is slot of very specific dietary advice regarding TNBC and I want to know more. There have also been studies regarding the use of statins and metformin in treatment so I will try to enquire about that. I think I’m just so scared I’m jumping the gun though!! One step at a time has worked so far!!
Keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on xx
Dear all
Just wanted to add my good wishes to all going through this. I am TN Grade 3 Stage 3 diagnosed Dec. Jusr wanted to encourage Daffodil that I had 4 rounds ‘red devil’ chemo which significantly shrunk my tumour. I then had 12 weeks taxol which had no effect and tumour actually started to grow again so my surgery was brought forward and happened two weeks ago today. Got it out!! (3cm down from 41/2) single mascetomy and recon with implant own nipple and skin. Good recovery. Pos cording so doing physio exercises madly. But now more chemo then radiotherapy so prob will not complete treatment until Christmas. Here’s to next New Year for us all.
Hey girls I have a TN grade 3 invasive ductal diagnosis , post op had a WLE with SN biopsy with 1 node involved 5 removed, see my oncology on Thursday with treatment plan for chemo nd rads, me personally I don’t like to look on this link as alot of previous threads have been very negative or scary, especially when first diagnosed, I prefer to stay with the newly diagnosed or going through treatment threads I’m 46 next week and just want to say that regardless of the type of BC we have, we can all offer advice to each other xxx
Hey Daffodil hope you are feeling OK after your first one x I’m starting mine v soon I think meeting is Thursday, so I will probably not be far behind you x stay strong & take care
I know some of you have started chemo and hope you’re not feeling too bad.
Nicky99, I know your mtg with oncologist coming up this week; hope it goes well and you get the info you want/need. I met my oncologist this week - there’s so much info to take in. I’m due to start chemo 4th July.
Going back to work for a week before it all kicks off.
I am on day 12 after first chemo and feeling positive. Having picc line on Monday. Side effects are generally manageable.
I hope all of you waiting to start therapy are going to do well and keep positive as our tumours respond very well to the treatment and I can feel a big difference after just one cycle.
Glad your managing your chemo, I still have no start date! Onc meeting was 15th so shouldn’t be too long hopefully I’m cold capping didn’t want to but doc says that fec t can cause permanent alopecia in a very small percentage of people so he advised it to preserve follicles for regrowth, I’m still not sold I think I would rather lose all my hair than it be in clumps with baldy patches all over!! Any of you capping?
Thanks I want my follicles to not let me down which is spurring me on with the cold capping I’m pleased you are doing well with it, I am expecting to lose hair with it just not all maybe it would be wise to have hair cut short but I will see how I fair with it at the end of the day I’d rather put up with the hair stuff and side effects than not have it, with being TN I’m worried it would come back without it xx take care think il be starting soon x
Wow! You did really well to get home so quickly. Good for you ?
Sorry I have been quiet! I forgot my password and then had a bit of a down patch. How did your results go? X
Hi, yep saw the Oncologist yesterday…nice lady. It just takes soooo much time to get things moving! Signed consent forms but won’t be able to start for another few weeks! Just want to get going now…I’m really concerned about money as go on to half pay in November and still have to have more nodes taken and a mastectomy on the left side post Chemo! Don’t want to loose the house! Anyway…going to be starting TAC for 6 cycles. I’m not doing the capping…I’m going to send off for a wig and one day when the kids are at my mums, I’m going to shave it all off and put the wig on! That’s the plan!! Have you heard about the fasting and chemo research? Does anyone vouch for it? Thought I might try it. Xx
Hi all, I’m new to the site. Was diagnosed with TN grade 3 BC and lymph nodes last month. Starting chemo on Friday- EC and TaC then surgery down the line. Reading through the comments here has been reassuring as TN diagnosis felt like world was falling apart as I’m 30, no kids yet. Nice to meet you all!