
Hi everyone!

I’m new to all this and just looking for some company so I don’t feel like it’s only me dealing with this! I’m 32 with two small children, on Tuesday I had a scan, mamagram and biopsy (brutal!) for a lump on my left breast. When speaking to the consultant after he said they have concerns and that it’s showing signs of possibly being malignant. Of course like everyone else I have to wait for the official results next Thursday, years away!!! He has booked me in for a lumpectomy in a couple of weeks no matter what. My partner believes we should wait for the results but I feel they’ve already prepared me. Do people tend to have radiotheraphy after a lumpectomy? I suppose it depends on my results. At least if it is cancer I will be prepared by next thursday my brain is going through everything putting plans in place and organising everything and I’ve still got a week to go!



Hello and welcome to this lovely forum where there are loads of wonderful ladies who will be able to help and support you whatever the outcome is next week.


So as you say until the results come back you will not know for definite, but even IF it is the treatment these days is extremely good.   With regard to radiotherapy it will very much depend on the results on Thursday.


There are several other threads you can try as well, there is one for younger women and families under the talk to people like me section, also Have I got breast cancer section as you probably have come on to the wrong thread at the moment because this is a thread for triple negative diagnosis.


The one thing about organising everything is it will help to keep your mind off thinking about it.


Come on here whenever you want or need to there will always be someone here to talk to


Sending you a hug



Helena xx

Thanks Helena I will have a look xxx