Hello ladies! I’m Hannah, 35 from Cambridge and I was diagnosed with stage 1 grade 3 triple negative breast cancer at the end of April this year. I’ve just finished 7 cycles of chemotherapy (PC and EC + Partner trial) and am due to have a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction at the beginning of November. I’m nervous about this event but I’m also looking forward to meeting you all and sharing our experiences. xx
Hi HanImps
It sounds like you meant to reply to a post rather than starting a new conversation. If you find the post, there is a reply button at the bottom right hand of the post.
Best wishes
Digital Community Officer
Thanks Anna, I did realise that after I posted this but couldn’t find an option to delete this message.
Hi Hannah, I had a single mastectomy four weeks ago with reconstruction and I have been really pleased with the results and surprised how well I have recovered - early days tho!!!
I have two children under three and I was really worried about it all. My advice for recovery would be lots of pillows, rest during the day and don’t be too hard on yourself.
Good luck ?