Help! 2 weeks to DIEP !

Hi, I’m having a DIEP on 17th April. Any advice from anyone who has had one most welcome.

At the moment I’m trying to stop myself from cancelling as I am worried what my tummy will look like after, as well as the new boob… ! And worrying my socks off about the whole thing. I’am 12 stone (having lost nearly 4st in the past two years) and 5’5" and mid 50’s… I know some slimmer ladies say it leaves them with a tummy the envy of thier friends, but what will it do to someone plumper? Should I expect to lose a dress size? of just be a bit less lumpy in the front!!?
I’d love to wear nice swimming cossies and bras again, but it is such a big op… gulp!

Just bumping in the hopes that someone who has had a DIEP sees this. Somehow I couldn’t see it in latest posts x

Hello Peachez
I understand your anxious in the lead up to your DIEP its a big operation. I had a MX/ANC/DIEP 12 weeks ago and have made an excellent recovery. My tummy scar is like a smiley face, which has left me with a flat tummy for the first time in years! I still take a size 14 trouser but the fit/profile is much better now. My new breast is settling down and becoming more natural looking/feeling. The surgeon managed to create a good match with my other breast about a cup size smaller, (I’m a 40 E) so i will have a further op to balance everything out later.
As for the operation, I was in theatre for 11 hours. I spent 24 hrs in ICU then moved to my own room which was kept especially warm and where I was carefully monitored to check the blood supply to the reconstruction was working. I had 2 drains in my tummy 1 in my breast and 1 in my armpit, which were removed over my six day stay in hospital. I also had a catheter which was taken out 48 hrs post op. I was up and walking 48 hours after surgery, all be it very slowly and a few steps more each day.
If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a message
All the best Suzy

Thank you Suzy, it’s good to know you’re happy with your result and recovering well. I am a 36E - but don’t want to be any bigger and like you would take bit of a reduction happily. I don’t know why the nerves have hit now. Recently back from 6 weeks holiday & have been fine thinking about the evenutal result, which IS what I really want, I’ve been putting my head in the sand about what I have to go through to get there, now it’s so close… I am prefectly calm on the outside, but inside I’m ‘bricking it’ ! I passed my Pre Op with flying colours, and when I saw my surgeon nearly a year ago, he actually told me NOT to lose much more weight. Said he had to have enough ‘Chub’ to work with! Your post surgery plan sounds very much like what they told me to expect too. Here’s hoping mine goes as smoothly! Thank you again for posting (and thank you MG for bumping) xxxxx

hi Peaches
had diep reconstruction surgery sept 29th, i to wanted to cancell, i was manic with worry, i was a 32dd and didnt have enough around the middle or leg, didnt want an inplant either, my surgen got me to a b cup, he also reduced my right breast same time, which when i awoke i was amazed at, was up after 2 days, (little steps, ) was home on my 5th day, had a little problem with stomach drainage, went back a few times, but nothing i couldnt handle, the worst for me was having to lay on my back for 6weeks after surgery, as previousley had disc operation, so sleeping was a bit of a pain, 6 weeks felt like a life time, but it went so quickley the best advise from me is when you have your physio, please do the excersises they are important!
i still have surgery to have to replace nipple n few other bits, but im amazed at my new breast, they feel and look like they did when i was 15 , i love them. still creaming my tum, its still earley days, and since op didnt no, but had to have chemo which iv just had last one, and in 2 weeks time start radio.
good luck for your surgery, and a warm welcome to your brand new booby,
best wishes xxxx

Just to reiterate sunshine lilly’s comment, the exercises are crucial. Those who take them seriously have the speediest recovery!
My surgeon said a bit more chub is easier to work with too, not quite in those words :). Anthing else you want to know, give us a shout! Sounds like you won’t have the extra discomfort of lymph node removal which should make the surgery time shorter and make for a less arduous recovery.
all the best Suzy

Hi Peachez
I had this done on jan 29th your tum will look great im 59 and now have the flattest tummy since I was probably 30 ! great to be able to wear clothes without that horrible bulge and I was 12 and a half stone worst part honestly was having to wear the panty girdle thingy day and night for 8 weeks post op by the way Peacocks have a great high waisted girdle for 8 pounds, much better than the mand s 30 quid one! good luck with your op x

I wrote a big THANK YOU to you all, but it seems to have been eaten!

Just wanted to say that you have all helped me SO much! my head has stopped spinning and I feel my feet are back on the ground. I’m still really nervous about the Op, but am no longer thinking of cancelling. I have not heard from anyone who regrets having it done, even if there were problems in the early days.

And I do heartily promise I WILL do the exercises!!!

Much love, P xxxx

Glad to have been positive help Peachez. Jenniesmum, I was given 2 compression girdles (nhs) and wore them day and night for 6 weeks then went onto were M&S light support knickers for about 3 weeks - I acutually did n’t mind wearing them, how weird is that!
xx Suzy