Help again re liver mets

Hi all, I was wondering if I could ask you wonderful ladies for some more advice. As some of you may already know, I was dx with secs to liver, lung and chest wall over a month ago. Onc decided to start me on a course of Xeloda - after suffering awful side effects (one of which was severe pain in my abdomen, my Onc decided to reduce the dosage. Unfortunately, I still had a lot of problems with the pain on the reduced dosage, so now my Onc has decided to stop Xeloda altogether and has ordered a CT scan next week and then I am to start a course of Navelbine. I asked my Onc if the pain I am currently experiencing could be related to my cancer and he said no, at this stage it shouldn’t be causing me pain and he thinks that as the stomach pain started when I first took Xeloda, the pain has been caused by the chemo. My question is: has anyone else experienced stomach pain from taking Xeloda or do you think the pain is coming from secs to my liver? I am not sure what to expect re. secondaries and would like to think that if my Onc says the pain isn’t to do with the cancer, then that should be the case. Many thanks.

sorry you are having problems with xeloda I did manage it for almost 2 years, but I did get bad stomach cramps and suffered with the poos on my week off.
I have liver tumours and even when they were at their worst I have not really had pain. My onc says similar to yours that you don’t really get pain in the liver. Can’t help you with your new chemo as that is one I have not been on yet.
This is all such a bl…dy roller coaster isn’t it?
Good luck for this week and I hope others will be more use to you than I have been.
Love Debsxxx

Hi there

Sorry to hear you’ve had such a rough ride on Xeloda. I am finding it ok so far but it is known to be especially harsh on the digestive tract, unlike other chemos which hammer your bone marrow primarily. Even when my liver mets were 7cm I did not have stomach pain - indigestion, heartburn, shoulder pain, yes, but not my stomach. It sounds to me like the Xeloda just hit your stomach really hard.

Wishing you better luck on the Navelbine.

Hi doylej,

I was on xeloda for just 2 cycles, half way through the 3rd cycle my onc stopped it. I didn’t get the stomach pains, but I felt I just couldnt eat as the food felt trapped somewhere between my throat and stomach!! I was given various pills for the digestive problems but they just didnt help at all. I was then moved on to navelbine which I tolerated a lot better.


I am on Xeloda and I sometimes have severe tummy pains like labour pains is the only way I can describe them. I have had 5 cycles of Xeloda and will propably be on it as long as it is useful. I also get the “runs” with it sometimes quite unexpectedly and I find myslef literally running to the loo.
Also my feet are very red and sore but other than that I have found it fine compared to TAC I had when forst diagnosed,

Hope you get sorted.
