Help! Anyone ever dislodged an implant?!

Hello all

It has been a while since I posted on here but I was hoping one of you lovely ladies might be able to help…

I had a mastectomy back in January and have an under-pec tissue expander which I am waiting to have replaced with a permanent implant. I was on the treadmill last week (yes I know I’m naughty) and I kind of jolted myself a little. Since then, it just doesn’t feel right. I have pins and needles down my side and the scar tissue in my armpit from my node biopsy is no longer taut - it was sort of forming a ridge in my armpit before. I have obviously pulled something somewhere!

My question is, if my implant had popped out of its correct position would I know about it? The shape looks ok and I’m not in any pain, just slight discomfort in that it feels a bit weird. Could it just be that some of the feeling is starting to return now?

Long shot I know. If you can’t help, I at least hope I have made you smile with an image of a silly girl with one boob still bigger than the other almost-falling off a treadmill :slight_smile:


Hi J,
Cant answer your question really, but I for one, dont believe that you could have dislodged it. I had my mastectomy and reconstruction in May and was contemplating starting running again in the next couple of weeks, but you’ve now made me have second thoughts (lol!)
Is it possible that you just did too much?
I am eager to see your replies as maybe it is just co-incidence and as you said, the feeling is returning- were you told not to run for a specific period of time?
Best wishes

Hi Katy

Thanks for your response. It feels a bit less tight today but I am waiting for my breast care nurse to speak to my surgeon and get back to me. I think she wants me to go in to be on the safe side. I will keep you posted!

I have been doing Davina exercise dvds, legs bums and tums classes, swimming (breast stroke possibly not a good idea though) and running. Anything to try to shift my chemo-weight gain really. To be honest, I think it would’ve been absolutely fine if I hadn’t been trying to adjust the setting on a nearby fan whilst walking on the treadmill! I knocked the area under armpit/down my side and it felt odd straight away. My surgeon did warn me that although gentle exercise was fine, it probably wasn’t a great idea in case I fell over or something. I thought he was being over-cautious at the time but now I’m not so sure… I think I will be taking it easy until after my recon now!

Do you have a tissue expander too or have you already had all of your recon? I think once it’s all over we can go back to doing anything apart from serious body building :slight_smile:


Hi J,
I had my initial mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (expander) last July. I started running again this January, then i had an elective mastectomy and recon on my good side in May.
My initial recon needs to be replaced anyway as I had rads on it and its rock hard. i am due to see my surgeon in August and then he will hopefully give me a date for them to be replaced with permanent ones which he will do as day surgery.
Maybe I wont start my running again until after I see him in August-ha!

Best wishes