Help- Anyone had an allergic reaction to implant post rads?

I had bilteral mastectomies and reonstruction with strattice and saline implants in Feb 2012. Prior to this was treated for breast cancer in 2009 with chemo. WLE and rads.
While my right breast looks amazing, sadly my left breast seems to be finding it hard to cope with the recontruction - it keeps swelling and becoming red and very painful. My surgeon first thought infection, treated it and drained some of the saline. This is followed by an improvement and then the inflamation returns. We have done this 3 times now and last time pain and swelling was awful.
Surgeon says he thinks reaction is being caused by allegic/inflammatory reaction due to rads/implant/strattice and tissue trying to cope. I am on chemo again (long story) and I noticed that steriods take down swelling. So, as last resort, I am now taking steriods for 10 days and he has removed all saline from implant to give my breast time to heal. But, he is not sure if this will work.He said worst case scenario is to remove implant (while on chemo.!!!)
Apparently this is a rare reaction and all other cases have settled down in time. Obviously I hope this is what will happen to me but wanted to know if anyone else had any similar problems andif so, what helped?
Hope this makes sense.
Thanks, Rattles, xx