I have been to the doctors tonight as i have a lump in my left breast.
The doctor has requested i be fast tracked for a mamogram and he kept saying that the lump was ‘hard’ also that it was deep…
to me it feels like a hard irregular lump which hasn’t grown in the last couple of months since i first noticed it.
I haven’t told my husband as i don’t want to worry him uneccesarily but just feel unerved because the doctor kept saying that it was very hard - is the fact that it is hard worse than it being just being a lump???
I know that no one on here can diagnose or anything i just wondered what the chances are of having a lump which has been described as ‘hard’ being nothing to worry about.
I know you just want a hint at what it might be but there really is no telling until all the tests are done. I encourage you to tell your husband as it is easier to have him by your side for tests and waiting for results etc.
Hope all works out well for you.
Em x
i would agree about speaking to your hubby… if you talk about it now you both may get your heads around the possibility of cancer rather than if you are diagnosed and dropping a bomb shell on him… and it would be much better to have him with you regardless of good or bad news… i didnt tell my parents i was having investigations both times and my poor mum was distraught when i had to tell her the bad news… the first time she just crumpled the second time she was hysterical running through her house screaming.
since then i have kept my folks involved in any investigations so that they had some time to prepare themselves before hand.
also not sure how you are travelling but if they have to do investigations like a fine needle aspiration or biopsy you might be quite sore and find driving difficult or be worried about getting bumped or jolted on public transport… not assuming he drives mind you but even on public transport he can maybe help protect you from being bumped or bashed.
hope it turns out to be nothing serious
Lulu x