Help feel alone!!

Last thursday i recieved the results of a biopsy to say it was a grade 3 malgnant tumour (im 38) and am due an MRI scan in the morning.

I feel like the world has slowed down and want to scream WHY!!

Ive been in a dark place - mainly due to the fact i have three young children and cant help thinking the worst!


Last night i stay up to write letters to each of them and my partner.


I feel im in limbo waiting another week for the full results ( they have menioned early stages at my initial results and no sign in lymphs)


Guess im looking to share my experience with people going through been through this.


Im currently awaiting jeremey beadle to jump out at me and tell me its a really sick joke x

Hi sazza,


If it’s any help at all I am sure everyone here will agree that the first few days and weeks are the worst.

We all know and understand what a horrid place you are in now with your head spinning, everything happening so fast and at the same time not fast enough.


I sure we also all go through the phases of thinking the very worst though voicing that thought to others is near impossible. (And reactions to only giving others the news is often amazingly different to what is expected so trying to voice your worst thoughts is a step too far for many people to cope with)


I’m 3+ months down the line from receiving a recall letter on new years eve and 22+ years down the line from a previous bc at age 29 with lymph spread.

It does get easier to cope with in time but everyone is different and every diagnosis different so no one can tell you how you specifically will handle this.


But, we are all here for you. I’m here some days more than others depending on my state of mind. Sometimes I’m helping (I hope) other times I’m reaching out.


All the best with your journey.

Keep in touch.




I’m sorry you’re going through this. I was diagnosed with grade 3 invasive ductal breast cancer almost 4 weeks ago. I’m 36 and am currently 17 weeks pregnant and have a 3 year old daughter. It feels so cruel, but I promise it does get easier. I’ve had surgery and will start chemotherapy soon, followed by radiotherapy once baby is born. If you need anything, message me. You’re not alone. Xx 

I’m sorry you’re going through this. I was diagnosed with grade 3 invasive ductal breast cancer almost 4 weeks ago. I’m 36 and am currently 17 weeks pregnant and have a 3 year old daughter. It feels so cruel, but I promise it does get easier. I’ve had surgery and will start chemotherapy soon, followed by radiotherapy once baby is born. If you need anything, message me. You’re not alone. Xx 

Hi Judith
Thank you for replying, its a difficult time but helps to speak to people who are/ have been in the same position- although not a nice thing for us to be going through, to k ow you’re not alone (if that’s the right way to phrase it) does make you feel less isolated .
Most people are sympathetic as they don’t know what to say- today I said if one person told me to stay positive Id have gladly punched them in the face!! - I’m trying to stay calm and focused and just recieved a whole host of info from macmillans to plight through.
Sorry hear of your journey- I hope we can all help each other through IT and kick it in the butt xx

Aww cass im so sorry to hear your story I am a mum of three my eldest will be 6 end of month and I have two year old twins- Life is a cruel game and I’ve spent the day questioning if things have been a factor to mine but I could blame many things.
We’ll get through this together - I’m awaiting my full diagnosis I don’t know my stage or exact, I will message you - take care xx

Bless you love, you certainly are not alone, there are some wonderful ladies on this site knowing exactly how you feel, I was diagnosed 4 weeks ago but I do feel very fortunate and a little guilty that I have been feeling so sorry for myself when my diagnosis wasn’t so bad, I have got grade 1 tubular BC with no node involvement and will be starting rads in few weeks, also at almost 47 with two sons in their mid 20’s I could weep for you young girls with your little baby’s, it’s all so very cruel but we can all get through this and having someone to talk to who truely knows how you feel is a great comfort, please keep in touch as everyone is here to share their experience and help each other though, love jo Xx

Sazza , I felt just the same as you back in June when I was diagnosed , I’m sure that in time your mind will accept the situation and you will be able to focus on getting through your treatment . I handled my treatment with the attitude that
a ) it had to be done
b) it would be over in a few months time
Chemo is not easy but you will find fantastic support from your chemo team .
The 'stay positive ’ brigade are annoying ! But I found unexpected support from people who initially I wasn’t that close too , and a deeper friendship with 2 other friends .
One step at a time . Good luck and best wishes xx

Hi Sazza


The waiting is the worst part. I was (and still am) obsessed with reading anything & everything I could find on the internet. Now I switch my computer off early evening to prevent this. 






Lol Sparkle I’m doing exactly the same !!’ I’m getting on my own nerves I can’t stop Googling !!
I’m still waiting for biopsy results … I want answers the fast way … It’s been a week today since my world was shaken up by my first ever breast check at hospital … A 15min appointment turned into 4 hrs !!! Xx

How are you doing Sazza? Xx

Hi Guys


Well almost over night i woke up with my normal lets kick this in the ass atitude ( im a natural red head with a firey temper! lol ) i feel back to myself, as much as you can in this situation.


Im not sitting mopping as this thing has already won!! im not going down without a fight and i want it out of me and go back to my normal life that i had 4 weeks ago! … simple!!! …

Been back for my MRI scan results that showed my inital tumour could be lightly bigger than though - still only around 4/5cm’s and few little blobs showed up around the area. i have an enlarged gland on the scan too.

As a result yesterday i have more biposies done and samples that they need o sort out my surgery which is provsionally booked for 22nd May.

Still seems ages off but i have started with a daft cough so that will hopefully gone by then!- its still only in my left breast and its no where else which is great news and was one of my initial fears.

Told my consultant that they can lop my boobs off as hey already cause so much trouble- but also requested he uses fat from my bum and tum to make a new set!


So until next wednesday i need to stay in this frame of mind!! - being busy sorting my sons 6th bday party out to keep me busy and may have gone over board!!


hope you lovely ladies are all well too (still seems a weird thing to say this to someone with BC) xx