Help for Husbands

Hi everyone.
My husband will be needing help over the next few months. I’ve just been diagnoised. Don’t know how bad things will turn out yet. I think it will help him to be in contact with some other guys. At the moment he’s struggling and we have a long way to go yet.
Thanks xx

I hope you find some help for your husband but I don’t think there are many men who have registered on this site. I made sure I kept my husband in the loop and gave him as much information as I had. I took as many leaflets as were available from the hospital and did my own research too in the belief that ‘knowledge is power’. It helped me and it helped him too.

You may find more support from the Macmillan site where there are far more many men, both patients and carers.

Best wishes,

Hi Lexie, there is a couple of husbands on this site, but I am not sure what there names are. I will bump this up incase they come on line later. It is a struggle for our loving husbands, it is bad for them, but in a different way. My hubby is always there for me, and to make everything ok, this is out of his hands and I know he feels helpless. Just try and keep him in the loop, and take him with you to any appointments he can come to.
Love Heather x

Hi Lexie

I am sorry to read of your recent diagnosis. You may find it useful to have a copy of the BCC booklet ‘In it together’ it is specifically for partners of women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer and offers practical help. If you would like to order a copy for your husband just follow this link:-*/changeTemplate/PublicationDisplay/publicationId/15/

I hope this helpful.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

I’d be happy to help in anyway I can Lexxie.

Vicky was first diagnosed over 5 years ago with metastases from the start so I’m fairly well educated in the various treatments, drugs, side effects etc now (unfortunately).
If you want I’ll pm my email address over.


Hi Lexxie,

My husband has found the book ‘Breast Cancer Husband’ ( )really helpful; he read it shortly after my diagnosis and has been absolutely wonderful. As you say, it’s not easy for them (and selfishly I’m glad it’s me who has the cancer and not having to watch him go through the crap treatment).

All the best,


Hi Lexxie

I’d like to help too if I can.

My wife was diagnosed at Stage IV as a primary diagnosis almost a year ago so like Stuart, I know rather more than I ever wanted to about this disease!


There are a few of us!

My wife was diagnosed in June, and opted to start on Chemo ahead of surgery to try to retain her breast. So far that is working as the tumour is quite a bit smaller than it was.

She has had four EC and one of four TAX

She has had a rough ride with side effects, but the fact we know it is working helps tolerate that.

I think one of the things that makes it difficult for us blokes is that many of us are fixers - we mend things and we are presenting with something we cannot mend.

We have two boys (3&7) and have told them.


Hi Lexxie,

So sorry about your diagnosis. My wife was diagnosed in June 2009 and is now doing well. It was an awful time, but things are much better now. I found it helpful to learn everything I could about it all.

I found it helpful also to blog about our experience. You can find that through my profile on here. It’s not brilliant, but some people seem to have found it useful. I’m happy to help if I can.