Help for Mum!!!
Help for Mum!!! My mum was diagnosed with BC in early 2005 at 45 years of age, by the summer she had been in hospital for a mastectomy and reconstruction, no chemo or RT was needed and she was started on Tamoxifen. Since then she has had her ovaries removed and is now on Arimadex. This year she will have her other breast removed to further reduce the chances of her BC returning.
She is now at breaking point, she suffers badly from monopausal symptoms, the night sweats and hot flushes mean she barely gets more than a few hours sleep a night, she can barely eat, constantly feels sick and tired and her joints ache badly. She has also gained a bit of weight and is struggling to lose it.
Looking for ANY advice or tips to help ease these symptoms as most suggestions we have had are either not suitable to combine with the medication or the medication is too strong to allow them to have any effect!
Factsheet Dear Dipper84
I am sorry your mum is having difficulty coping with hot flushes.
There is a list of helpful tips included in the fact sheet link below that have been recommended by other women and may help your mum cope better with hot flushes and night sweats.
Kind Regards
Forum Host
Breast Cancer Care
dipper what meds is your Mum on?
Her GP/onc/chemo dept all have meds for nausea- is she getting anything to help her? If not phone and, if necessary, scream for help. The same goes for menopausal symptoms. Nowadays the NHS doesn’t offer. We have to ask/demand.
She’s having a horrible time but if the nausea was dealt with eating fresh and varied food would provide fuel to get her engine andget herself up and running again.
Vitamin supplements- those expensive little bottles of probiotics like Yakult from the supermarket might help her insides to calm down and work better. Plus, of course, she needs plenty of rest .
Do hope she picks up soon . If she feels improvement it will cheer her up and she will be on her way to recovery, best wishes, dilly