Help for Mum

Posted on behalf of a new user
Jo, Facilitator

Hello, my Mum was diagnosed with breast cancer last month and has been very lucky because they caught it early. She had the operation to remove the lump a few weeks ago and last Thursday we had the results that her lymph nodes are all clear :slight_smile: As the cancer she had was genetic and aggressive she now has to have some chemo and radiation, but we are still waiting to hear the specifics on that. Unfortunately, she has taken the news very badly and is suffering from high levels on aniexty. She struggles to eat, sleep, breathe, crys lots, worries about EVERYTHING (even things that arent to do with the cancer), feels sick, wont leave the house or do much and has panic attacks. My brother, dad and I have all tried to comfort her and make her feel better but donโ€™t seem to be able to snap her out of her anxiety and help her to see that the cancer is gone and she is going to be ok. Would be great if anyone has had experience of a similar situation and can offer some advice on how I can help Mum feel better and start to deal with her situation. Thanks :slight_smile:


My mum was also diagnosed with breast cancer about 2 months ago, she has since had an operation to remove the tumors and had a second option on Saturday to remove extra margin. Following this she will be stating FEC chemotherapy this Monday and then will have radiotherapy. All though she has taken the news relatively well, I understand how upsetting it is as a daughter to watch your mum go through this difficult time. I know that speaking with a professional person rather than direct family, really helped my mum get her head around the treatment and what to expect. Once she has the appointment with the chemotherapy nurses I think this will help, make sure you are there is possible to ask as many questions as possible as its a lot of information to take in. I noticed when we went to the appointment the hospital has leaflets on treatments such as massage, reflexology etc to help relax patients. I hope this helps a little and I wish both you and your mum all the best.

Hi there. I had breast cancer seven years ago and conquered anxiety with a range of alternative health treatments - hypnotherapy being the quickest and most effective but also acunpuncture and meditation . Look up local hypnotherapists on the web and make sure they are registered with the General Hypnotherapy Council.