Hi, I’m just wondering if anyone has some reassuring words.  My younger sister was diagnosed last Friday with grade 3 breast cancer which has spread to her lymph nodes.  She starts chemo next week.

What am I supposed to do? I feel so helpless. My other sister has always been ill with cystic fibrosis and while that is very upsetting I have always lived knowing that she is ill and her life expectancy is limited.

I feel sick, scared, angry, numb.

Sorry to off load just need to feel connected to others in the same boat. I also feel like it should be me - I could cope - I’m the eldest I should deal with this!! Totally irrational I know.

I would appreciate any contact/advice.

Mags x

Hi Mags

Welcome to the BCC forums, I am sorry to read that you are so worried about your sister, our helpliners are here to support both of you so please feel free to call if you feel it would help to talk your concerns over.  lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays on 0808 800 6000

The following links will take you to the BCC ‘Just diagnosed’ and ‘Treatments’ pages where you will find information and further support ideas which you may find helpful:

Take care

Lucy BCC

Hi mags,the best thing you can do for your sister is just to be with her and help in any way you can, wishing her all the best.

Hi Mags,

I’m grade 2 but I’m sure there will be some grade 3 ladies along shortly to reassure you.

I’m the youngest in our family (46) and my elder sister feels exactly the same as you. You’ll find your sister will be devastated with the news but she’ll get on with her treatment with your support. I’m so glad my sisters there for me when I feel like crying etc but we both know I’ll get through this. I had a double mastectomy last month by choice and start chemo on the 29th November. I’m finding the thought of losing my hair harder than any of the treatment. Wishing your sister a speedy recovery, love Tracy XXX

Thanks Tracey!
The thought of my little sis losing her lovely hair (which I have always envied lol) devastes me too!
She is starting chemo on Friday as sadly it has spread to her lymph nodes :((
I will be here for her, and she has many lively friends and family too all loving her better!!
Thanks again Tracey and the best of luck with all you treatment, hugs mags xxxx

Hi Mags my sister has recently been diagnosed too an im struggling with guilt that its not me too, from what Ive read on here its a normal reaction. I feel the same not knowing what to do maybe thats the initial shock but I hope you find strenght on here x