help! I'm starting TC next week

I’ve due to start chemo next week and have been told it’s be 4 x TC and would really like to find out what I should expect . Is anybody else having this ??

Hi Gaynor1


I had TC last year, was part of the July 14 thread.


Everyone’s experience is different, I was very lucky and sailed through Chemo, no hospital admissions at all. Yes, it is a kick up the backside for a few days, but i would compare it to childbirth, you soon forget!!!


I took all the advice given, took all the meds given to me and listened to my body, when it said stop, i stopped. I tried to keep as much routine to life as possible, i never once missed hanging the washing out or ironing (unfortunately)!!


I have since had 3 weeks of rads and 6 months of herceptin as i was HER2 positive, ER negative. Finished in April this year. My legs, feet and hands are still quite week and achey most days but it is a small price to pay.


I have just walked 5K race for life today with 2 of my daughters and it was brilliant, we raised £600 for cancer research.


I hope everything goes well for you, listen to your body.


Good luck


Wendy x

Thanks WP23 for your kind advice and sharing of your experience. I am really struggling to come to terms with this recommended chemo regime as I am node negative but a grade 3. I have had an oncotype dx test which gives me only a 4% benefit and I am really wondering whether the benefit outward the SE particularly of TC as its seems to be a really harsh regime. As I am a borderline case for chemo I am really surprised I have been given this regime. I have been quite under the weather this week and felt quite poorly with serious upset stomach and flulike symptoms and feel so down already and I’ve not even started chemo yet I’m not sure I’m going to get through this or even that it is for me!

Hi, I have decided to go ahead and have my 1st chemo on Friday. They are going to give me my steroid on the day rather than tablets before. Did you do this ? And did you suffer any SE from the steroids and/ or the injections
for your count boost?
How are you doing with your hair loss the chemo nurse has said that with these drugs my hair may thin only!!!
I’ve due to start chemo next week and have been told it’s be 4 x TC and would really like to find out what I should expect . Is anybody else having this ??
Any tips for my first session would be appreciated
Hope you are doing well now