Help...Low Neutrophils Delaying Chemo

I’m wondering how other ladies fared with neuttrophiils? I am having FEC-T (FEC 100, in case that makes any difference)

I had my first FEC on Christmas Eve and I only scraped in for FEC 2 on 14th Jan, neutrophils were quite low and they had to check with the onc that I could go ahead. FEC 3 was ok but then I had had an extra week (4 weeks between) because of a delay due cellulitis. Yesterday I went for bloods and assessment before my first T on Wednesday but got a phone call later to say my neutrophils were too low and I would have to wait another week!

Now I’m worried that I am going to be delayed a week every time, so do you think that is what is likely to happen? Are neutrophils worse or better on T ? (docetaxel) I’m also worrying that the whole chemo won’t be effective if I do end up having most of them at four week cycles, instead of three! ?

It would be really glad to hear of you experiences.

Amanda x

i have had the same .told four weeks is still ok. i had to have 2 units in the end. i struggled on fec so much so i am staying on fec and not having the t

Oh dear, it is difficult isn’t it…the FEC is tough and you hope the T may be better in some ways but although you don’t seem to feel so sick on it, it’s all about aches and pains apparently! 


The weird thing about chemo is that you really hate having it and snuggle with side effects but you get upset if you get delayed!


I hope you are doing ok Fredflowerpot, and have more information about your changed treatment and answers to some of your questions.


Amanda x

Hya Amanda…

i don’t write much on the forum but I do have a look.

sorry you are experiencing the dreaded low neutrophil thing! We started the same date, Christmas Eve. I had my first T cycle last Thursday plus herceptin. My neuts are always on the low side but I manage to scrape through for each treatment. Well for me the T has been far worse than the FEC, I’ve been in bed since Saturday feeling rough. The bone pain has been so bad but I did get up today and make my breakfast so I’m hoping I’ve turned a corner? I’ve felt like I’m recovering from a bad virus where you are left feeling very fatigued almost to the point of needing help, temperature up n down but ok. I hope this is a temp blip for you and that you can continue without anymore delays? I’ve found on the T drug plus herceptin that my appetite has been reduced compared to the FEC, I had a huge appetite on that drug. I am eating sufficient but not as keen. Be mindful if you do have the bone pain that you take the painkillers because without them you can’t get comfortable and no sleep! Well that’s how it has affected me. I know we all react differently but I hope by sharing my experience so far it may help you. I also have been using hot water bottles and a heat pad which have been comforting. I did find that paracetamol did not touch the pain but co codomol worked a treat. I only took one each time instead of the two. Good luck with the remaining course of treatment and we all deserve a huge pat on the back for remaining strong, positive and brave. Kind regards Deborah X 

Thanks for the heads up for the T ladies, I’m a bit worried about it but will be trying different drugs and asking for help if I need it!


Claire, apparently there is nothing you can do to help yourself with the neutrophils levels, mine were 0.9 and they like them to be over 1 I think. I had bloods again today, and my levels are ok, so as long as nothing else crops up over the weekend, I’ll be in for the T on Tuesday, fingers crossed! My first finish date should have been 7th April, then the 13th April and now the 19th April is the earliest it could finish but I’m not too hopeful really.


Just got to keep at it the best I can!


Amanda x