So I know I have brest cancee and they have done am ultrasound of my armpit and didn’t Seem to think it had went to my lymph nodes. I’m assuming the mri is to double check this? Anyway I’ve had a lump/swollen gland in my armpit since I was initially diagnosed but today it seems really sore and tender and I’m sure it’s grown! Not sure if this is just my paranoia and over thinking. Do u think this means it’s in my lymph nodes! Any experience of this please help.
Sorry can’t really help. Probably your mind working overtime and it’s got sore with you prodding and checking it. xx
That could be true actually Carole…didn’t think of that. Hope so x
When I had an ultrasound of my armpit they said the nodes looked normal and they were proved to be clear after biopsy so i wouldn’t worry too much.
I am sure it will be fine- I had something similar after diagnosis following biopsy, the MRI & ultrasound they said lymph glands looked clear but when went back they could feel gland in armpit & it was tender -they said it could be a flare up after biopsy which is quite common apparently They did a biopsy came back all clear
Thanks Alex and dpd. Thank god for this forum, always someone had something similar. I’m totally stressing over any little thing at the minute diagnosing every illness possible! Hoping it’s nothing x
Just seconding what DPD said / the nodes often react after a biopsy, mine did but were clear of cancer xx
Hi melia after the diagnosis they did biopsy, followed by the MRI & ultrasound. In my case lymph seems fine but the doc doe’nt seems convicing. hope it will try out well for us
I’ve actually had the lump their from my first day in clinic I want even aware of it until the consultant noticed on my breast exam. It could well be off the biopsy as my breast has been so sore and tender and still is nearly 2 weeks on. Hoping to not be as sore for my mri next week xx