Help me to help my friend

Hi I am new on here. I have a good friend who has undergone a lumpectomy and lymph node clearance followed by chemo and now has completed her radiotherapy. I am so proud of how she has coped through all of this but now she has developed some skin damage after the radiotherapy. I really want to visit her and take something to try to help her or cheer her up. Is there anything at all you can think of that would be a good idea ? I know it is impossible to make everything better for her but I want to do something nice for her.





Do you know I bet the best present you can give her is to go and see her, it can sometimes be a lonely place when you are recovering, especially if you have got some post treatment issues.


If she has a hobby perhaps get her something in line with that., does she have a favourite author    If you know what size she is a nice 100% cotton vest top which might help with her skin as she might struggling to wear a bra or whatever. 


Helena xxx

Hi my boyfriend of 18 years, his sister got diagnosed with breast cancer in her last 3 weeks of pregnancy, shes in her early 30s and has lived a happy healthy life, I’ve only recently met her and her family a year ago and it was when she was doing ivf to have her beautiful boy.
We got on as my sister was going through the same painful/ hopeful situation so I felt a huge connection with her about this.
When I found out she had been diagnosed with Brest cancer I was shocked and immediately wanted to be there for her and help in any way Possible but had no information about this and no idea how to help!
So baby is now 4 mouths and heathy and lump has been removed but radiotherapy that she has been having has not been enough so the doctors want to do chemotherapy and she’s scared? and they have told her she will lose her Beautiful thick hair And maybe her eyebrows, I know this is silly but I want to help her and as an outsider and not yet married to her brother so don’t want to over step but I’m hoping for some advice on how I help and if there is any advice on where to go for her cosmetic Problems? Hair/ eyebrows?
Also I’m thinking of offering to go to get treatment with her with my iPad and movies just to distract her and be the person she doesn’t have to emotionally worry about so she can concentrate on herself is this a good idea? She a lovely beautiful soul and i just want to help so any advice on any of this would be appreciated.
Kind regards



It’s lovely that you’re so supportive and I’m sure this will mean a lot to your friend. I just wanted to mention a charity called Mummy’s Star. It’s a small but amazing charity that provides advice and practical help and support to both pregnant and new mum’s that have been diagnosed with cancer.It was started by a man whose own wife died due to secondary breast cancer months after giving birth. They have a website and Facebook page. Link is here:


If she hasn’t already been in contact I’m sure they will be able to provide some really useful support.


Good luck to her and best wishes to you all as you go through this difficult time.


Helen x