Hi having finished 3 x ec and 3 x docetaxel 2 weeks ago I see my oncologist tomorrow to discuss the next steps.
i know I’m having rads to breast and armpit - eventually! There appears to be no rush or sense of urgency at all.
also it seems that oral bisophosphonates and aromatase inhibitors are to be advised as well as they give me an 8% and 2% extra on the 10yr predict.
are there any tests/scans I should be having? I only get the bare minimum so if it’s not essential according to nice there’s little chance- that’s private health care for you!
Any other tips advice or questions I should be asking I would be very very grateful x
I’m on both Letrozole and Ibandronate (tablet form of Bisphosphonate). I have had no scans or any other tests before being advised to take them. My gp told me that the oncologist just asked that I have my bloods taken on a yearly basis to check U’s & E’s (urea & electrolytes) and bone profile whilst I’m taking the Ibandronate, no other scans, checks or anything, some oeople seem to have lots and others none.
I have been taking the meds for about 10 weeks with only the odd hot flush. I’ve not experienced any side effects from Ibandronate yet.
You need to follow the instructions for Ibandronate carefully as it can cause issues with your stomach and oesophagus if you reflux. Basically I take it as soon as I get up with a glass of water. You have to remain stood up or sat upright for one hour following to make sure it has gone down properly and does not come back up. The instructions say you can then eat and drink 30mins after taking it but says an hour would be better. I wait the hour then have a coffee, the best tasting drink of the day. I eat some breakfast 2 hours after taking the meds and so far have not had a problem. It also says it must ne taken on an empty stomach at least 6 hours after last eating, drinking or taking other medication.
Oncologist said it would have to be stopped 6 weeks prior to dental treatment and for 6 weeks after so as to prevent the osteonecrosis of the jaw.
I take the Letrozole before I go to bed, again so far so good.
Hi ruthie2 - all the best for your appointment today, I hope I’m not too late to suggest you ask about a DEXA bone scan to check your bone density before your start aromatase inhibitors. It’s a simple scan, they just scan your hips or hip area and use it as a baseline to check in a year or two, as AI can cause bone thinning.