I had WLE and nipple removal last September for lcis? dcis and cell atypia. Had 3 biopsies last thursday on other breast. Have had over 10 breast biopsies in 4 years. I feel chances are getting higher that I may have breast cancer.I’m getting really scared now…
Hi Finny
sorry you find yourself here, sorry I cannot offer any advice or words of comfort, the waiting is worse than anything
I can only offer support and let you know you are not alone
The same as Linda, the waiting is the worst part of all of this. Try and keep busy and dont ‘google’.
Use this forum to ask as many questions as you want, or to vent… or just to know that you are not alone.
Wishing you lots of best wishes that your results are good ones
Hi Linda and Marguerite for your kind wishes and thoughts. I am a nurse so I think I know too much!.
You are so wonderful and brave. I certainly don’t feel too brave. Have to wait till Friday afternoon. Wishing time away but not sure I want the results.
Many thanks to you both
Hope you get good reults the waiting is the worst part I just kept busy and didn’t google. just remember you’re not alone and if we can help we will that’s why we’re all here. to help each other through this.
I have my first oncology visit tomorrow and don’t know what to expect so a little nervous.
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you . Starky1
Finny, more often than not, the unknown is so much worse than reality!! Lots of nurses on here too.
Please let us know how you get on on Friday - you will be in a lot of ladies thoughts.
Good luck tomorrow Starky 1. I shall be thinking of you.
So nice to have support from you all.
You are an amazing bunch
Starky1… must have been writing my post when you did yours. Good luck for tomorrow!
Hi again Finny
I am a nurse too, and it is a case of we think we know, my speciality is stroke care not breast care we only look at the bad things.
Hi Linda,
Very true. I’m a surgical nurse and am trying not to be too paranoid!!
After my2nd Dx I came out of clinical practice and am now clinical governance manager for surgery, so I often see what goes wrong!! not a good thing at times