Hi all
I underwent a double mastectomy and reconstruction last friday and still have the chest drains in and they will not remove them until they are less than 30ml.
How long were yours in for?
Hi all
I underwent a double mastectomy and reconstruction last friday and still have the chest drains in and they will not remove them until they are less than 30ml.
How long were yours in for?
I had single mast and recon in Oct 08 (extended LD flap) and had 3 drains; 2 of mine were in for 6 days, the last one taken out on the 10th day after the op. After that I still got pockets of fluid on my spine up until Feb 09. The sensatins are all very strange and i still av a bit of discomfort even ow; do’t panic or lose heart. My srgeon keep repeating it takes time to feel “normal” again, in my experience this is true.
Good luck
Hi there. Having had bilateral wide local excisions for 3 tumors in January, I had to go back in last Wednesday 4th March for a full mastectomy on the right hand side, with immediate reconstruction. I had expected to come out Thursday evening, same as in January, but actaully ended up coming home yesterday afternoon (Saturday) after having my drains removed at lunchtime. I must say I was despereate by then to hear that magic measurement of 30ml as I was getting so bored and my bum so stiff from just laying around. There’s actually not an awful lot you can do when you’ve got to take your drains everywhere with you is there? So it was just over 3 days that I had to have my drains in, although it felt like a lifetime. Having said that, I was given the option to go home with drains in, then come back to have them taken out but I really didn’t fancy that at all. Hope all is going well and that you’re drain-free soon.
I still have the tubes in and am not anywhere near the magic 30 nl point. I am feeling a bit sorry for myself at the moment, although i am home, I am unable to do much, espically as I have a 2.9 year old and one who is four on Sunday
Hi Madhouse, had a lumpectomy and they wouldn’t let me out for 6 days until I reached 30mls in the drainage tube. Kept thinking that if I didn’t move much they wouldn’t fill up so quickly! But no doubt you know that it doesn’t work like that.
Just takes time unfortunately.
All best wishes
Hi Madhouse, when i had my last mastectomy with immediate recon i had my last drain in for 15 days, it was still doing about 60mil, the surgeon must have felt sorry for me as i had only had the other one taken out a couple of days before (i started with 3), he took it out on the 15th day, and i only had to have my back drained once, but my, what a relief it is to see the back of those damned drains. but i have to say, this last time was better then the 1st, i had 4 drains in the first time and that really was hell.
lots of love