Help - Sencha Green tea stockist needed

It took me a while to like drinking green tea but now I’m absolutely hooked. It’s my drink of choice wherever I go and I’m so pleased that more and more cafes and restaurants stock it. I usualy buy organic from Holland and Barratt but recently read that Japenese Sencha brands are more beneficial as the anti oxident levels are higher. Somebody on another thread recently cited soem web addresses that stock this sencha tea. I can’t recall where I read it. I think it was the red meat thread but can’t find it at the moment. Can anybody help as this tea sounded delicious. Thanks.
Annys xx

I found some organic Sencha Japanese green tea bags in Sainsbury’s yesterday and found it so much better than any of the green teas I have tried so far. I am mean enough to use one twice :). They are by Clearspring and have a website -


I have bumped the thread up for you its breast cancer diet-red meat

page 21-22

best wishes melxx

Thanks Mel
You’ve saved me a long search. I hope now I’ll be able to try some different blends.
Thanks you also Dawn for your advice. My Sainsbury doesn’t stock sencha tea but if I have no luck on these other avenues I’ll ask them to try and stock it for me in my local branch.
Cheers ladies you’ve been very helpful.
Annys xxx


I thought that our local Sainsburys didn’t stock it, I looked up and down the tea aisle and I asked an assistant and she couldn’t find it. Then a few weeks later when I was looking for some ‘wheat free’ bread, I found the Japanese sencha tea with the gluten free/dairy free products, amongst an assortment of Japanese food. They may have it so keep on looking…or there’s always Sainsbury’s online shop. Good luck hope you find it! I also thought green tea was disgusting until I tried japanese sencha, I still prefer earl grey, but try to have a couple of green teas a day.


Will do thanks Nicola
Annys x

I would recommend White tea (especially with pomegranate) …more antioxidants and less bitter taste! X