Help someone - is anyone's nipple different?

Hi all

Am in a state.

Last week I noticed a slight ridge on the nipple on the same breast I had bc 3 years ago. My original bc was nowhere near the nipple. Anyway I pushed and pulled it and couldn’t decide if it had always been there.

The problem is that since radiotherapy that whole nipple is different to the other one - slightly darker and larger.

Anyway got myself in a state and went to GP this morning and she said she could see what I meant but the whole nipple is different to the other one anyway which she thinks is due to radiotherapy. She felt it for ages and said ther were no lumps or bumps under skin so she thinks it is just a change due to radiotherapy in the tissue and she thought it was OK.

She said if she didnt she would be sending me to hospital so not to worry. However on the way out she said " When you go for your mammogram in December just mention it to put your mind at rest".

I feel terrible now - has anyone had this?

Love Alisex

My nipple and the whole area round it are different since rads.The areola is hard and bumpy and the nipple a darker colour.It is rads.I had my 2 year mammo last week and all was well.Mention it if you like but it sounds normal to me.Love Vx

hi alise
my nipple is so different , mine was inverted for months after rads, and it still does somedays and it does keep changing, i also have lymphodema in my breast which makes it even more difficult to feel for lumps and changes but i get checked regulary and i am informed its rads , surgery etc and changes are normal !! please dont ever feel terrible though, if i am worried over anything i dont hang about i always get it checked.
love galen

Mine’s actually paler and still very sensitive over 4yrs on.

Mines is shrivelled some days and looks like a stick on one on others. I had my rads 18 months ago.

Hi All

Thank you fo r all your replies - they made me feel much happier.

I got my 3 year mammogram brought forward to yesterday as I got myself in a right old state and thankfully it was all clear!

Feel over the moon today but am expecting to have another worry by next week . . . . .it’s crap isn’t it!

Good luck to everyone

Alise x