Help with car expenses

I have just joined the forum and wondered if anyone could help me.My mother has had breast cancer for 19 years and has just begun chemotherapy treatment for secondary breast cancer.She is 78 years of age and i understand she is too old to apply for a mobility car, however i have a spare car that is off the road at the moment and i wondered if i could get any help financially to put it back on the road.I understand that my mother can get help with road tax but i wondered if we could get any help to insure it which is the most expensive part.The car will be used to take her to and from hospital for her appointments and also for all her other needs.Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Hi Farrenrob,

Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care Discussion Forums. While you’re waiting for replies from fellow forum users I thought it might be helpful to attach a link to BCC’s Breast Cancer and Benefits Booklet, which might contain some information relevant to your mother’s situation:

I would also suggest contacting the BCC Helpline on 0808 800 6000 Monday - Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-2pm for additional information specific to your enquiry.

Hope this helps.

with best wishes,
Anna, BCC Facilitator

I believe that the Charity Macmillan have a grant scheme, which might be appropriate - but I think it is means tested. If you go onto their website their are links to info about the scheme.

The Macmillian charity actually paid my car tax - and offered money for other things which thankfully I didnt need. I got it through the hospital social worker who was very helpful.