I was measured for a bra in September the lady said one breast was considerably larger than the other I hadn’t noticed but didn’t pay much attention as I know its normal to have one breast larger. My left breast has now continued to grow and is now spilling out of my bra again my right breast remains unchanged. I’ve had no significant weight change. I’m 24 which I know is very young but I do have 3 children. I have no other symptoms but I did lose my Nan to breast cancer. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Oh I’m also extremely fatigued but this could be down to having 3 very young children and working full time :/not sure if extreme lack of energy is a symptom so thought I would mention it. Thank you in advance.
Hi there xfayepx and welcome to the BCC forums
In addition to the support you will find here our helpliners are on hand with practical and emotional support on 0808 800 6000 and lines are open during the week 9-5 and Saturay 10-2 so please feel free to call
You may find the following link to the ‘Worried about breast cancer’ information and further support ideas helpful:
Take care
Lucy BCC
Hello Faye,
I would advise you to make an appointment to see your GP. You have noticed changes to the size of one of your breasts and have been feeling extremely fatigued. Although the tiredness could be associated with looking after your young children as well as your job, it is best to find out the reason for the fatigue.
Your GP will be able to put your mind at rest and make sure you are OK even if it means referring you to your local hospital for more tests.
Try not to worry until you have seen your GP but you will be doing the right thing going for a check up.
All the very best.
You do have a lot on your plate. I agree with the other posters. Go and see your doctor.
I don’t know how old your children are but when my son was a year old, milk came back into my breasts. I had terrible mastitis when he was born as I had to give up breast feeding and I don’t know why this happened but ever since, I have had funny odd things going on my my breasts.
As the other poster said, better to be safe and put your mind at rest.
Good luck with that brood over xmas. I hope you have a lovely time and let us know how you get on.