Help with symptoms worried ?

I am so new to this site and don’t know whether I am posting to the right place… But anyway I am a mum to 3 children, but have noticed some changes which really concern me and was wondering whether anyone else has similar symptoms or been diagnosed when they have similar symptoms?

I have over the past 2 years noticed a discharge to my left breast, but over the past 1 year have really itchy nipple which gets better then it occurs again! I have a small lump in my tissue which I cant always feel … But often feel a dull aching pain and my breast feels warm and tingling.

Could this be s sign of breast cancer… Worried about it but nervous about seeking medical help :-/

Hi juju52

I’m sorry to read you’re having such a worrying time at the moment.  Whilst you are waiting for the other user to reply with their experiences and knowledge do give the BCC helpline a call on 0808 800 6000.  Here you can talk through your thoughts and feelings with a member of staff who will offer you a listening ear as well as emotional support and practical information.  The number to call is 0808 800 6000 and lines are open weekdays 9 to 5pm and Saturday 10 to 2pm.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

Hi juju52

I’m sorry to read you’re having such a worrying time at the moment.  Whilst you are waiting for the other user to reply with their experiences and knowledge do give the BCC helpline a call on 0808 800 6000.  Here you can talk through your thoughts and feelings with a member of staff who will offer you a listening ear as well as emotional support and practical information.  The number to call is 0808 800 6000 and lines are open weekdays 9 to 5pm and Saturday 10 to 2pm.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

Hi Juju52,


I have similiar issues with my left breast, has discharge for about 3-4months, and pain the breast with itching that comes and goes, I went to GP got referred to clinic and have had mammogram and ultrasound, consultant advised enlarge ducts so have to wait and see if it calms down if not have to have them removed. 

It’s worth getting it checked out, as you will continue to worry about it.

Let us know how you get onx

Hi, I’m also new to the forum and have recently been diagnosed. Welcome. I am sure this is a great area of support and it looks active and well informed. 


I’m sorry to hear that you are worrying about symptoms at present and you are obviously unsure what to do if anything. I understand that it can be daunting, and many of us don’t want to visit a GP for no reason etc, we feel we are making a fuss about nothing in the event that we are given the all clear and so on… However health care professionals take breast care very seriously these days. I think they would agree with me when I say here that they would prefer you booked in for an examination and check up rather than ignored the symptoms or sat worrying unnecessarily. 


I think there could be many causes of your symptoms, some of them are absolutely nothing to worry about, others are easily treatable (ie mastitis type symptoms or hormonal responses and so on), some of them could indicate early signs of breast cancer, without an examination it is always a guess ? At this stage it is futile to worry and feel anxious about what might be, because without confirmation either way you will never know ? Those anxieties and fears can only feed off eachother and continue to escalate ? A check up or series of check ups can only improve the situation in at least addressing your concerns. 


I hope you manage to take a deep breath and call the surgery on Monday for an appointment. I am sure that regardless of outcome you will find it is the best thing you ever did. 


Following my recent diagnosis I have decided to start a blog. With a background in writing and all things web I find it helps me to sort my thoughts out to write things down. I also hope that it can become a source of support and information for others along the way. Going through the process of diagnosis and treatment at present I understand the stress and fear that others around the world are experiencing. I hope that this plan will be my tiny contribution towards being helpful. I will post back here with the link when I have managed to set it up. Feel free to access it and give me a nudge should you want to or get in touch here. 


Take Care x